The company LAGUS s.r.o. from the Czech Republic, which is an EU member state, is engaged in the production of special fasteners, screws, nuts, clips, washers and also performs cold forming. We focus primarily on the high quality of our products, which meet the required standards VDA and ISO TS 16949, but also meet the requirement of low prices. We supply our products in the Czech Republic, but…
Work: -Welding -pipework -Locksmith -boilerwork -plumbing -distribution of impulse piping -air engineering -electric -software
Audit for production, production: -equipment for nuclear energy -steel constructions -Quality certificate for welding. Metal production: -welding (welding) -steel structures, in a protective atmosphere, for construction -engineering (constructions-halls, petrol stations) -production, assembly, metal constructions of residential superstructures -renovation-prefabricated apartment buildings…
Locksmithing, turning work, metal production, custom production and production of metal furniture is provided by Locksmithery Jaroslav Borůvka in Třebíč in the Highlands. Our activities include: - welding - material division - grinding - bending - drilling or punching holes - the provision of coatings. The aim of our company is maximum customer satisfaction and therefore, in addition…
Company Knoflíkářský průmysl Žirovnice a.s. has been producing buttons and injection molding for the automotive industry for many years. We are one of the largest Czech button manufacturers, we supply buttons in a wide range of colors, patterns and materials, as well as jewelery items, accessories for the clothing or fashion industry. The production program also includes headlight components for…
The company TRYTECH s.r.o. offers its customers for sale and rental a wide range of equipment and accessories for blasting. You will find mobile blasting equipment, blasting booths, spray guns, metallization equipment, compressors, metallic and non-metallic abrasives, protective equipment and many other products. We are located at Nádražní 795, Pelhřimov. Sales, e-shop, rental, rental, service…
Objevte kvalitu strojírenské výroby s firmou Lébl s.r.o. Ve městě Havlíčkův Brod, uprostřed srdce České republiky, najdete firmu Lébl s.r.o., která již léta nastavuje standardy v oblasti strojírenské výroby a kovovýroby. Naše rodinná firma spojuje tradiční řemeslo s moderní technologií a přináší řešení, na která se můžete spolehnout. Specializujeme se na širokou škálu služeb – od dělení…
Fučík and Skála artistic blacksmithing produces forged bars, railings, fences, signboards, gates and goals. The assortment also includes house numbers, chairs, beds, tables, candlesticks and interior accessories. We also carry out restoration work. We process not only classic metals, but also non-ferrous metals such as copper, brass and stainless steel. We work with architects, designers,…
Firma Jan Němec - VKN je specialistou na kovoobrábění a provozuje konstrukční kancelář. Nabízí nabízí širokou škálu služeb a produktů v oblasti konstrukční kanceláře a kovoobrábění pro různé odvětví a zákazníky. Sídlo firmy se nachází v obci Škrdlovice v okrese Žďár nad Sázavou. Činnost: - konstrukční kancelář, která zajišťuje návrh, výpočet, optimalizaci a dokumentaci strojních sestav,…
Our company is engaged in surface treatment, renovation and coating of surfaces. Industrial wet and powder paint shop, blasting, sandblasting, dry ice cleaning. Blasting The most common surface pretreatment prior to the use of paints or thermal spraying. It is used mainly in metals and products made of steel structures, but also in concrete, facades, stones, cladding boards etc. We are…
KBNK s.r.o. has long focused on two basic segments of light industrial production, namely precise 3D bending of wire and pressing of sheet metal products, profiles and wires on presses up to 160t. Especially in the field of precision wire products, our company's offer represents the top in the entire Czech Republic, thanks to the most modern production technologies for precise 3D wire bending…
Metallurgical material, steel gratings, metal scrap, locksmithery, all these are the fields of production and sale of which are dealt with by FERUM s.r.o. operating in the vicinity of Třebíč in the Highlands. Our company has a wide range of activities and deals with the sale of metallurgical material, locksmith production, purchase, transport and processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. …
Výroba: -CNC obrábění dřeva -výroba dřevěných polotovarů -výroba z dřevěného masivu -polotovary: - překližky, spárovky -výrobky z plastů a neželezných kovů -velikost od 2 x 1, 3 m. Služby: -zajištění výroby včetně ICAD + CAM na stroji SCM 1205 RECORD. Provozovna: Koželužská 1012
Production, work: - CNC turning and CNC milling
Production: -turning, machining, milling. - grinding, lapping, tumbling
Production: - custom metal production - locksmith and welding work - we perform land fencing - metal machining
Výroba: -tryskání suchým ledem -průplach trysek tiskařských pecí -vysokotlaké stříkání.
Surface treatment - renovation, surface coating: - sandblasting (blasting) - metallization - metallization (cold galvanizing) - dry ice cleaning - coating of products - dry ice blasting.
Our main business is metal fabrication and metalwork. We always place emphasis on high professionalism. We approach individually to each client and are always fully focused on client's needs and requirements. Services: - Engineering production - Smithery - Construction work - Manufacture of steel structures - Jacketing and sheet covering - Fencing, gates - Railings - Staircases. We…
Services: -repairs of road and truck vehicles - performing technical inspections -repairs of engines and gearboxes -repairs of starters and alternators -welding, blacksmithing, locksmith work.
Výroba: -kovářské práce, kovář -zámečnické práce -brány, ploty, zábradlí -schodiště, pracovní stoly, skříně -regály, krbové příslušenství -lustry, svícny -postele -mříže, grily, kliky, panty -bytové doplňky -výroba dle přání zákazníka.
Services, production: - artistic blacksmithing.
Výroba: -kovovýroba -vrata, brány, zábradlí -povrchová úprava -zinkování, leštění -obrábění.