Engineering trades

Crafts are made up of the largest part of the engineering works. Between the engineering crafts include blacksmithing, brusičství, machining work, welding work or metal work needed, for example when repairing the home or the manufacture of metal components.

Uniservis Hašek s.r.o. - Elektromontážní práce Kladno

ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND INSPECTIONS - complete electrical installation work from low voltage to high voltage up to 22kV: - reconstruction and repair of electrical equipment - new installations for the industrial and civil sector - construction of cable networks - construction of transformer stations - construction of public lighting - carrying out initial and periodic reviews …

Slévárna Kolář J., v.o.s. - Výroba a zpracování odlitků Kolín

Foundry Kolář J., v.o.s. focuses on the management of castings and artistic-industrial castings of non-ferrous metals. We work with aluminum, brass and bronze alloys. We carry out orders throughout the Czech Republic, we are based in the village of Velim, Kolín district. Foundry, production, processing: - Non-ferrous metal castings - castings from aluminum alloys, brass, bronze -…

Jiří Zvára - VYVAŽ.CZ - kovoobrábění

The company Jiří Zvára - VYVAŽ.CZ is a reliable, purely Czech supplier of parts and structural units manufactured according to customer documentation since 2012. We provide customers with comprehensive services, starting with the purchase of material, through heat treatment and machining, static or dynamic balancing, to the final surface treatment. . In addition to milled and turned parts, we…

ZPA Pečky, a.s. - Servomotory Kolín

The company ZPA Pečky, a.s. focuses on the production of MODACT servomotors, servomotor components and fittings. We have many years of experience in engineering and electrical engineering, we are part of ZPA GROUP. We are based in the town of Pečky in the Central Bohemian Region. Development, production, sale, service:  - actuators of the brand MODACT, MODACT CONTROL  - servomotors single…

TOS GEAR s.r.o.

Dovolte nám představit firmu TOS GEAR s.r.o., která sídlí na adrese Na Prstýnku 48, Všejany. Tato společnost nabízí výrobní a montážní kapacity pro zakázkovou kovovýrobu. Hledáte vhodného partnera pro kovoobrábění? Potom je pro vás tím správným řešením společnost TOS GEAR s.r.o. Naše firma nabízí CNC kovoobrábění dle dokumentace dodané zákazníkem – realizaci kusové a malosériové výroby. …

ZUDO s.r.o.

Activity - CNC machining - we process the following material on CNC machines: wood - based panels (for example: laminate, DTD, MDF, etc.) - solid wood (for example, for self-supporting and non-self-supporting stairs) plastic materials (for example: PVC, acrylate, etc.)

První jílovská a.s.

The company První jílovská as, after the transformation from the Agricultural Cooperative Jílové near Prague, has been operating on the market since 1993. Thus, our joint-stock company with a capital of more than CZK 100 million took over all obligations of the original agricultural cooperative and continues in the production divisions EXAR (herbal extracts). ) and KOVO (cranes). Our company…

Petr Rohlíček

Zámečnictví Petr Rohlíček, sídlící v obci Opočnice v okrese Nymburk, je specialistou na výrobu kovových konstrukcí a produktů na míru. Firma nabízí širokou škálu služeb v oblasti zpracování kovů, zahrnující výrobu vrat, plotů, pergol, přístřešků na kontejnery a kola, zábradlí, schodišť a mnoho dalšího. Při práci využívá pokročilé technologie, jako je ohýbání, stáčení, nahřívání, pálení laserem a…

Want Stav s.r.o.

The company Want Stav s.r.o. is a reliable partner in the field of construction, renovation of apartments and houses, plumbing and welding. Construction work: Comprehensive services in the field of construction and construction work. Construction of turnkey houses and cottages. Repairs of houses, industrial buildings and non-residential premises. Repairs, dismantling of buildings and much…

DUVE ČR s.r.o.

DUVE ČR s.r.o. je předním dodavatelem kvalitních dílů pro automobilový průmysl, který tvoří až 99 % jejich produkce. Díky moderním technologiím a preciznímu zpracování se firma zaměřuje na výrobu komponentů, které splňují vysoké nároky automobilového sektoru. Kromě toho poskytuje služby i pro stavební průmysl, čímž zajišťuje širší spektrum výroby. Moderní výrobní technologie: DUVE ČR s.r.o.…

KP-Works - Matěj Karcol

KP-Works is engaged in the production and design of molds for molding plastic products. Furthermore, by pressing plastic parts. Production of duralumin workpieces. We focus on prototype production and serial production. We guarantee an individual approach from the beginning of implementation to the final production. We most often create the design of molds and jigs from the model supplied by…

Lukáš Stejskal - kovovýroba a zámečnictví

Firma Lukáš Stejskal se zabývá komplexní činností v oblasti zakázkové kovovýroby a zámečnictví. V rámci své činnosti nabízí kompletní realizaci zakázek včetně výroby, povrchové úpravy, dopravy a montáže. Současně provádí také svářečské práce, opravy a údržbu v průmyslových a soukromých objektech, dále povrchové úpravy žárovým zinkem a práškové lakování. Své práce provádí v interiéru i…

MALA CNC s.r.o. - obrábění

Our company specializes in serial and custom multi-axis CNC turning and milling, especially of aluminum, castings, forgings and profiles according to customer specifications. Verification of the compliance of the workpiece with the drawing documentation is carried out on a 3D precision measuring device and using conventional gauges. We can also provide painting, anodizing, passivation, or…

Malbro, s.r.o.

The company Malbro s.r.o. was established in 2007. Our production program is the processing of PVC films by high-frequency welding and vacuum forming of plastics. The processed material is softened PVC foil, flocking and hard PVC, PET, PSH foil. Production: - packaging for consumer goods - blisters with a bend for inserting the card - blisters for sealing - blisters into which…

Infraclima, s.r.o.

Infraclima, s.r.o. manufactures and supplies capillary mats, solar systems and heat pumps. We also focus on the development, production and assembly of alternative energy sources, tool production and well drilling. You can find us in Zápy, district Praha-východ. Production, delivery, assembly: - capillary mats, systems (unique system for year-round maintenance of thermal comfort, replacing…

Jiří Pek - zámečnictví

Security grilles, metal fences, gates, railings or stairs can be made for you by the company Jiří Pek. Our company focuses on work in the field of building locksmithing, metalworking and metal production. We are located in the village Kačice, district Kladno. We also accept orders from the districts of Louny, Rakovník and Beroun. Production, metal production, assembly: - gates, gates, wickets…

ILD cz. s.r.o. - filtrace

The company ILD cz. s.r.o. deals with design, projection, production and supply in the field of industrial filtration, dedusting, desulphurization and reduction of SOx, HF, NOx, VOC emissions. Our other activities are metal production and I am also the exclusive representative of HELLMICH GmbH & Co. We are based in Kladno. Production, design, delivery, assembly, service: - filtration…

SIP Kladno, spol.s.r.o.

The company SIP Kladno was founded in 1990 and its goal was to complete the production program of disappearing companies on our market. We deal with the production and solutions of engineering technologies. In the course of its existence, the company expanded its capabilities in the field of development and construction of engineering products, including the management of some units using…

TESPON s.r.o. - Nástrojárna Kolín - Výroba forem na vstřikování plastů Kolín

TESPON s.r.o. tool works Kolin and the entire Czech Republic Our company mainly focuses on the production of plastic injection molds for the automotive and electrical industries. The production of molds uses the most modern technological procedures, which guarantee high-quality products. Thanks to the many years of experience of our employees, even the technically demanding production of…