Engineering trades

Crafts are made up of the largest part of the engineering works. Between the engineering crafts include blacksmithing, brusičství, machining work, welding work or metal work needed, for example when repairing the home or the manufacture of metal components.

Tomáš Soukup

Svarox Technology - welding work, welding and welding of metals using MIG, MAG, TIG, MMA methods. Welding of non-alloyed and alloyed steels, stainless steels, aluminum alloys, etc. Repair and renovation of machine parts and castings by welding. We produce weldments, welded metal structures. Cooperative welding works. Processing of welding technological procedures and their qualification…

Tomáš Nový

Our company focuses on maximum quality and individuality to customers. We focus on the production and coating of carbon fiber parts. We also offer other services, such as work with laminate, cnc machine, or even production of molds for composites and much more, we approach every customer individually and with the maximum quality of work performed.

Tomáš Dvořák

Prodej a servis - sněžné frézy Servis - pneumatické nářadí SCHNEIDER pily, nůžky, sekáče Soustružnické a frézovací práce Prodej - kompresory SCHNEIDERmontáž a servis - kompresory Montáž - kompletní rozvody stlačeného vzduchu Servis - kompletní rozvody stlačeného vzduchu Prodej - travní sekačky lištové, rotační Servis - travní sekačky lištové, rotační

Ing. Jan Dalecký

For business entities and companies, we offer professional technical advice in the field of surface treatment and corrosion, technical cleaning and degreasing. For business entities and companies, we offer for sale chemical products intended for technical cleaning and degreasing in production, repairs, renovations and maintenance.