Engineering trades

Crafts are made up of the largest part of the engineering works. Between the engineering crafts include blacksmithing, brusičství, machining work, welding work or metal work needed, for example when repairing the home or the manufacture of metal components.

D2Manufacturing s.r.o.

Throughout its history (ie since 1991), the main activity of D2 Manufacturing has been precision tool production and metal production. We are based in the Česká Lípa district in the town of Nový Bor and provide comprehensive services from the analysis of manufacturability, design, production through assembly to service, so we are able to reflect the specific requirements of clients. In addition…

AT Weldsteel s.r.o.

AT Weldsteel s.r.o. is an expert in complex production of sheet metal components, structural elements and units and metal structures. in Blansko. In the field of metal production, he focuses primarily on laser cutting, bending of sheets and tubes, and also performs welding and folding. Our final products are laser cut shapes, bent, welded sheet metal parts equipped with pressing and welding…

AT Weldsteel s.r.o.

AT Weldsteel s.r.o. is engaged in metal production and complex production of sheet metal components, structural elements and units and metal structures in Blansko. Performs laser cutting of metals, bending sheets and tubes, welding, folding. The main production of our company is the production of precision laser cut parts of welded sheet metal parts fitted with pressing and welding elements up…

AT Weldsteel s.r.o.

AT Weldsteel s.r.o. Svitávka is engaged in metal production and complex production of sheet metal components. It will ensure the production of structural elements and units as well as metal structures. Performs laser metal cutting, tube bending, welding, sheet metal bending. The establishment can be found in Svitávka near Boskovice.   Our company mainly focuses on the production of precision…

Michal Janků

Locksmithing, mechanical locksmith work. Tool making, tool work. SOS locksmith. Brno locksmith emergency NONSTOP. Services: - emergency door opening in case of slamming or loss of keys - door renovation after attack - installation of security doors - installation of ATRA security systems - replacement of doors, locks - we open all the locks.

AGIA TECH, s.r.o.

Zabýváme se výrobou ocelových konstrukcí průmyslových hal, nadstaveb bytových domů, dopravních a potrubních mostů, zábradlí, schodišť, vrat či bran. Dále nabízíme provedení frézování, vrtání, řezání, ohýbání, úpravu kovů, broušení, leštění, opracování výpalků a svařování.