Engineering trades

Crafts are made up of the largest part of the engineering works. Between the engineering crafts include blacksmithing, brusičství, machining work, welding work or metal work needed, for example when repairing the home or the manufacture of metal components.

KroMo Brandýs s.r.o.

Professional tools for craftsmen and do-it-yourselfers, fastening and anchoring equipment, fasteners and consumables Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav - specialized retail and rental. Shop, rental, rental, warranty and post-warranty service: - electric hand tools - construction mechanization - garden equipment - tools for construction and reconstruction, carpenters, joiners, painters,…


Custom metal production PDS - SERVIS KOVO, s.r.o. focuses on the production of various sheet metal parts for control and measuring technology, according to customer documentation. We work with modern machines that enable quality and fast order processing. The seat of our company can be found in the town of Hostivice, district of Prague - West. Production, custom metal production: - CNC sheet…

Ing. František Hendrych - EKO PROGRAM

Company Ing. František Hendrych - EKO PROGRAM deals with the production of molds, measuring and special tools and jigs. We provide tool design, parts production, including fabrication and testing. We perform optimization, cleaning and repairs or revitalization of non-functional tools. We implement plastic molding, in our press shop we produce plastic parts, which are used mainly in the…

BRUNAX spol. s r.o.

Special grinding machine for woodworking tools. The company Brunax spol. s r. o., offers: - repairs and grinding of video and trapezoidal saws for wood and metal - grinding of metal saws - grinding of cutters and drills for wood and metal - grinding of planing knives - welding and grinding of band saws - grinding of butcher's machines, chains for chainsaws and other tools.

Josef Novotný

Engineering production and services: metal working (turning, milling, drilling, grinding, planing) metal pressing and forming metal welding (classical and in protective atmosphere) custom metalwork assembly work

Strojmetal Aluminium Forging a.s.

Strojmetal Aluminum Forging, s.r.o. offers its customers a wide range of advanced solutions in the field of aluminum forging. We focus on the production of forged chassis parts, decorative parts for use in the automotive and industrial areas, industrial parts, forging tools and also drives. You can find us in the village of Kamenice, district of Prague - East. Production, metal production: -…

JCZ tools s.r.o.

Naše firma JCZ tools s.r.o. se zabývá nástroji ze slinutých karbidů, řezné keramiky a cermetů pro třískové obrábění, zejména kovů. Jedná se o moderní vysoce produktivní nástroje a nástrojové systémy pro CNC, NC ale i klasické obráběcí stroje. Samozřejmostí je také technický a technologický servis v oblasti obrábění. Dále dodáváme také polotovary ze slinutých karbidů dle požadavků…

INGOMETAL s.r.o. - prodejní sklad fy HESCO, s.r.o.

Wholesale, warehouse, sale: -metallurgical material: -sheets/plates (panels, coils) - black, galvanized, checkered, corrugated, holoribs -section material - rounds, flats, squares, hexagons, reinforcing bars - plain and high-bond bars, drawn steel, angles, tubes, thin-walled steel sections -metallurgical secondary manufacturing - welded mats -BRALEN low-density tubes - medium-pressure…

Jetstream Technologies s.r.o.

Stavební společnost Jetstream Technologies s.r.o. se sídlem v Praze se zabývá komplexní stavební činností. Svým zákazníkům nabízí rekonstrukce, zemní a výkopové práce, demolice, sanace betonových konstrukcí, hydroizolace a injektáže a v neposlední řadě také tryskání a pískování povrchů. Své služby poskytuje v rámci celé České republiky. Služby: - demolice - rekonstrukce - stavební práce…