Engineering trades

Crafts are made up of the largest part of the engineering works. Between the engineering crafts include blacksmithing, brusičství, machining work, welding work or metal work needed, for example when repairing the home or the manufacture of metal components.

AERON Plus, s.r.o.

Zakázková kovovýroba, kovoobrábění: -nerez, mosaz, měď. Obrábění kovů. Broušení a leštění kovů. Uměleckopasířské práce-výroba, opravy: -slohové kování, zábradlí, svítidla, vývěsní štíty, nápisy, poutače. Projekce, analýzy, servis: -požární ochrana.


Sales, service (trucks, superstructures and handling equipment). Sales and service of AVIA vehicles - the main dealer of AVIA chassis for the South Moravian region - CTS mechanisms and containers -loading cranes, hydraulic heads, sleepers and spoilers, accessories - Avia spare parts - sales and service - DESTA/ PRAMAC handling equipment including spare parts - additional devices MATE and…

Milan Murgaš

Locksmith production, assembly, metal production: -production of OK**-steel structures to component weights up to 100 kg -fences, gates, doors, windows, gates s powered and remote controlled -we will provide hot-dip, galvanic, pastoral work -custom made stainless steel interiors- stairs, shoulder and spiral handrails - polishing, grinding of metal surfaces - welders, KEMPI…


We are the company A - Z PLOTOVÉ CENTRUM, spol s r.o., engaged in the manufacture, sale and installation of wire fence systems. We have been selling and supplying turnkey fencing in the form of retail and wholesale since 1997. In addition to the headquarters in Rajhrad near Brno, we also operate branches in Mukařov near Prague and Žilina and e-shop We supply atypical…

VUVL a.s.

The company is a holder of the ISO 9001: 2009 quality certificate. Small series or piece production of precision machine parts, rotating parts with an accuracy of up to 0.005 mm, up to a weight of 100 kg of machined part -working of metals (steel, stainless steel, brass and hundreds of others) -metal machining. Machinery: -CNS five-axis machines and classic lathes, grinders (flat, round ....…

Pospíšil Pavel

Výroba, montáž: -potrubí ocelová, PP**, PE**, plastová -ocelové konstrukce -zámečnické výrobky. Demontáž, rozpalování: -ocelových konstrukcí. Práce: -zámečnické -svářečské -vodoinstalační. Kancelář, dílna a sklad v areálu: Teplárny Brno a. s. Špitálka 6 658 15 Brno tel.: 545 161 290 fax: 545 161 289


Výroba, prodej: -tvářecí technika -tvářecí stroje a zařízení. Tvářecí stroje: -dvoudobé výstředníkové lisy -hydraulické tabulové nůžky -pravoúhlé nůžky s ručním a pneu pohonem -motorické ohýbačky plechu -pneumatická a ruční děrovadla, děrovačky plechu -ruční a hydraulické, dílenské lisy -výstředníkové a kalibrovací lisy. Zařízení pro kovárny: -pneumaticko-hydraulický buchar,…

MTB CZ, s.r.o.

Offer comprehensive services in the field of surface treatment of metals and metal production. Material cutting by cutting, chopping, laser and flame burning Bending of materials - thickness 5mm and length 3m Sales of technical gases Fuel sales Production: -welding -Machining -grooving -painting -shaped division of sheets -bending of sheets. Residence: MTB CZ s.r.o. Kievska…

TTS POLAK s.r.o.

Processing of the design of the part, processing of the 3D model and drawing documentation, mold production, cutting and production and processing of castings. Machining of castings on CNC machines and ensuring possible subsequent surface treatments such as: tumbling, blasting, powder coating or KTL-painting)


Production: -planet tools (all types) for flat and rotary cutting, grooving, perforating, cutting cardboard, waste peeling, anti - pressure preparations and preparations for production of cardboard packaging, including service activities. Proposal: -construction of packaging, fixing elements, packaging systems, packaging sampling and their functional verification. …

Kovovýroba Vítězslav Košut

Soustružnické práce, kovovýroba, svařování CO2, TIG, dělení a ohýbání materiálu. Výroba kovové konstrukce, plotní branky, ploty, dveře. Výroba na zakázku: -rámy, rampy, držáky reklam, konstrukce vozíků, stojánky a držáky kamer, krabičky pro bezpečnostní systémy, pojízdné stolky, stolek. Na naše výrobky možnost zajištění galvanické zinkování, žárové zinkování i ostatní galvanické…

Slévárna Kuřim, a.s.

Production: -grey cast-iron and nodular iron castings. Moulding room: -piece production and lot manufacture 1-25 kg -machine moulding, jar ramming, jolt-squeeze moulding . Moulding shop: -small-lot production and lot manufacture 25-200 kg -moulding line GF Impackt-Impackt Plus. Moulding hall/plant: -piece and small-lot production (grey cast-iron 100-10000 kg, nodular iron 100-2500 kg) …


Complex solutions for orders for the technological development of moldings, design and production of molds, molds, testing and verification of the injection process, serial production of injection parts and logistics process. Production, sale: -forms for: -pressure casting - technical moldings from plastics -glass -rubber, rubber - ceramics -for modelers -Tools. …

PKI-Teplotechna Brno spol.s r.o.

Construction, complex deliveries, repairs, modernization, reconstruction, engineering: -kilns for firing coarse and fine ceramics (chamber, tunnel kiln) -ovens for the production of building materials - metallurgical and metallurgical furnaces -glass furnaces - chemical furnaces - engineering furnaces -cremation ovens -burning furnaces - fluid boilers -refractory linings …

FERESS, s.r.o.

Production: -grids -staircase -railing -welding in a protected CO2 atmosphere - assembled AL profiles - atypical furniture fittings and interior accessories -turning -milling. Surface finish: -CNC machining -painting with powder paint - hot galvanizing - galvanic galvanizing - nickel plating.

Jan Šťastný

Doprava,autodoprava: - Mercedes Vito 110D - Mercedes 100. Autoklepíř. Výroba, kovovýroba: vše kombinace kovu a dřeva - repliky litinových schodišť - ploty, oplocení, vrata, vrátka - plotové sloupky, sloupy, díly - zábradlí, schodiště - bezpečnostní mříže - balkonové mříže - garážová vrata - ponky - pracovní stoly - přepážky - atypická kovovýroba - okrasné kovové…

B.I.M. s.r.o.

Development and production: - special machines and equipment for telecommunication purposes -systems for the presentation and sale of products (e.g. exhibitions, exhibitions, advertising stands, etc.) Business activity. We process metals, metalwork, wooden materials, plastics, Plexiglas and others on CNC machines. Processing: -laser cutting (material division) -CNC milling, machining …

DIRAC spol. s r.o.

Engineering production: -small batch production of manufactured parts milling, turning and grinding - extrusions on eccentric presses up to a tonnage of 100 tons - automatic lathes up to dia. 50 mm - production cooperation -welding -drilling Production, assembly, repair, service: - mechanical and technological devices. Business and intermediary activity. Advice: -…

Petr Hrabovský - MEZAB zámečnictví

Petr Hrabovský runs MEZAB locksmiths, performs assembly, repair, service: -locks -inserts - the keys - safety fittings -mailboxes. Welding and locksmith work: -grids - goals -racks -railing. Services: - emergency opening of apartments - metal doors to apartments - security door -fireproof doors -locks for plastic doors. emergency opening of apartments-NONSTOP…

AQUAdem, s.r.o.

Custom production: -cutting and cutting of flat materials by high-pressure water jet, laser -CNC * flame -possibility of finishing work. AQATEC PRO: -production of equipment for recycling abrasives and water jet cutting. Sale: -spare parts for water jet cutting (nozzles, seals). Service: -price offer according to the documents supplied by you to 24 hours -custom production.

TMC CR, s.r.o. - TOOLS Machinery Centre

ENGINEERING. Sales of CNC machine tools, delivery, assembly, warranty and post-warranty professional service. Services: -design of production technology -creation of production programs of the control system SIEMENS, FANUC and Heidnhein incl. training -consulting in the field of machining. Trade, sales, delivery, consulting: -tools and tools for metalworking (exclusive…

REX, s.r.o.

Production: -castings (gray cast iron, cast steel, ductile cast iron) -models for castings, model shop, rapid prototyping - blacksmith work. Production and supply of decorative foundry products: -benches, tables, chairs, furniture, trash cans, bicycle racks, fountains and drinking fountains - reconstruction of metal monuments -cast iron stairs and sinks -posts for demarcating parking…