MAGNETO s.r.o.
Real estate - rental of non-residential and industrial premises. Locksmith work, metalwork. Machining-metalworking, turning work. Machinery, equipment and components.
Real estate - rental of non-residential and industrial premises. Locksmith work, metalwork. Machining-metalworking, turning work. Machinery, equipment and components.
Montáž, opravy, revize a zkoušky plynových zařízení a plnění nádob plyny. Zámečnictví, nástrojářství.
Locksmithing, tool making, machining. Powder coating, paint shop.
Locksmithing, locksmith work, welding work. Welding of stainless materials, aluminum and steel. Welding of individual parts or small components into larger units. We weld using the TIG method and coated electrodes.
Locksmithery. Custom production, production of atypical metalwork products, production of steel structures according to documentation, mass production of locksmith and welding works, production of grids, goals, shelters, rolling and double-leaf gates with the option of electric. drive, production of forged gates and fences, locksmith work including surface treatment (primer, varnish,…
Artistic blacksmithing. Metal restoration. Wrought iron fences, gates, grilles, railings and interior, exterior accessories. Candlesticks, fireplace accessories and supplies, fireplaces, smokehouses, including grate, forged lighting, chandeliers, lamps. Forged sculpture. Wrought iron furniture, beds, chairs, tables ..... Custom production in the original design. Arts and crafts of metals.
Artistic blacksmithing and locksmithing. Lattices Gates, fences Furniture Railing Shelves, stands, supports for climbing plants. Headquarters: - Stojanova 876, Veselí nad Moravou.
Artistic blacksmithing. Production: -fences, gates, grilles, railings -pants, handles, door fittings -candles, lamps.
Production: -gravure -laser cutting technology -panels, labels and stamps.
Služby: -zkružování plechů a profilů -svařování -pískování -výroba ocelových konstrukcí a nádrží.
Provádíme jádrové vrtání a řezání betonu a železobetonu stěnovou pilou. Ostatní činnost: -protipožární ucpávky -skenování stavebních konstrukcí -přímá montáž (nastřelování do oceli a betonu) -montáž kotev. Základní stavební materiál je železobeton, prostý beton a ztracené bednění, veškeré druhy zdiva, obkladů a dlažeb. Dodavatelé materiálu: -Hilti -Husqvarna -BTA diamantová technika…
Production, work: - locksmith production, laser division of material, sheet metal bending -welding of noble steels - aluminum, stainless steel
Umělecké kovářství.
Production: -metal production -metal machining -locksmith production, locksmithing. Construction: -fences, gates, stairs, gates, containers, railings, grilles -travel gates. Mechanical locksmith production: -machine components for industry. Machining: -automatic lathe A 50C Center lathes Turning work: -CNC lathe CHALLENGER -turning diameter 230mm, workpiece length 450mm …
Metalworking. the premises of Adast a.s. building 16
Industrial automation, machine production and locksmith production: - single-purpose machines and equipment - design work, designs and creation of drawing documentation - control and measuring preparations - tool production - welding and steel structures - models, forms and products from composites - automation, implementation of control systems, HW, SW - network applications Domestic,…
Metal blasting and sandblasting. Metallization.
Výroba lisovacích forem pro automobilový průmysl.
WELDING, ARTISTIC FORGING, LOCKSMITH, CNC MILLING, etc. We weld: stainless steel, aluminum, aluminum alloys, brass, copper, steel... Welding methods: TIG AC/DC, MIG/MAG, MMA, flame
Provádíme značení, gravírování a řezání pomocí CO2 laseru. Popisujeme a vyrábíme reklamní předměty, firemní cedule, štítky, krabičky, upomínkové předměty, papírové krabičky dle Vašich potřeb a razítka Trodat. Pracujeme se dřevem, kovem, plasty i papírem. Jsme platci DPH.