Timberwork, Carpentry

Among the carpentry work include the design and realization of wooden structures of all kinds. This is the manufacture of load-bearing structures of buildings, formwork, roofing, floor and roof beams and also on additional structures, such as pergolas, gazebos, or railings.

Jiří Řezáč

Coatings: - roofs Carpentry: - repairs to beams and trusses Roof maintenance: - gutter cleaning - snow clearance Demolition work. Plumbing work: - repairs of plumbing elements - installation of gutters and downspouts - attachment of gutters (hooks) - edging - it gets worse - roof hatches - facade elements (cornices, attics, parapets, ...) custom…

Z&V Kladno - Hugo Zeisl

The construction company Z&V, based in Kladno, deals with complex construction activities and the realization of roofs on a turnkey basis. As part of the laying of roofs, we provide a complete delivery, including all craftsmanship and finishing work - plumbing and carpentry. Our activity: Turnkey roofs: - implementation of roofs - reconstruction and repairs - roofing work - plumbing work …

Jiří Mužík

Production: - kitchen counters - pergolas - fences - staircase - inbuilt wardrobe - tiled railings - tiling (walls, stairs, ceilings, beams) - beating houses and more. Construction: - kitchen counters - pergolas - fences - staircase - inbuilt wardrobe - tiled railings - tiling (walls, stairs, ceilings, beams) - beating houses and more Services: - assembly - transport of…

Irena Plná

Dodávka, montáž a rekonstrukce - krovy Dodávka a montáž - sádrokartonové příčky a stropy Stavební činnost - rekonstrukce rodinných domů - stavba rodinných domů na klíč (včetně malířských prací) Opravy fasád (včetně tepelných izolací a izolačních prací proti vodě) Kanalizační práce - přepojování septiků do hlavního kanalizačního rozvodu (včetně stavebního a výkopového…