Timberwork, Carpentry

Among the carpentry work include the design and realization of wooden structures of all kinds. This is the manufacture of load-bearing structures of buildings, formwork, roofing, floor and roof beams and also on additional structures, such as pergolas, gazebos, or railings.

AZEL s.r.o.

Pokud hledáte profesionálního a spolehlivého partnera pro výrobu a montáž nábytku z dřeva, můžete se obrátit na společnost AZEL s.r.o. Specializujeme se na truhlářství a nabízíme širokou škálu služeb a produktů pro vybavení interiérů i exteriérů. Ať už potřebujete novou kuchyňskou linku, vestavěnou skříň, postel, komodu, knihovnu, dětský pokoj, obývací pokoj, podlahu, schody, obložkové dveře…

Střechy Heřman

Střechy Heřman je firma, která se zabývá realizací střech, střechy na klíč, rekonstrukcí a opravami střech, pokrývačskými, klempířskými a tesařskými pracemi. Firma byla založena v roce 2003 po dlouhodobé praxi v oboru zakladatele Miloše Heřmana. Firma působí převážně v oblasti severních Čech, kde zná dobře místní klimatické podmínky a potřeby zákazníků. Společnost Střechy Heřman nabízí…

INTERSTAV Všeruby s.r.o.

Společnost INTERSTAV Všeruby, s. r. o. se sídlem v okrese Plzeň se již od roku 1992 zabývá především výstavbou rodinných a bytových domů na klíč. Současně také realizujeme stavby pro občanskou vybavenost a developerské projekty. V rámci výstavby na klíč provádíme zednické, obkladačské, tesařské, truhlářské, instalatérské a sádrokartonářské práce, včetně realizace inženýrských sítí. Činnost…

Josef Vokáč - KVmont

Stavební společnost KVmont zabývající se dodávkou a montáží stavebních prvků v oborech: -zedník -obkladač -sádrokartonář -tesař -pokrývač -klempíř -instalatér - voda, topení, plyn -elektroinstalatér -výškové práce.

Stipex s.r.o.

The main activity is logging and wood processing. We deliver chopped wood. We buy wood. - we provide individual tree felling - we carry out work with chain saws and brush cutters - we will clean your gardens and remove leaves - we can do all carpentry work - we have our own cars and thus also provide car transport - in winter, we will help you clean up snow, remove icicles and…

Miroslav Vrhel - Stavební firma

Construction company Miroslav Vrhel focuses on the construction of houses, as well as reconstruction and repair of buildings. Within our activities we provide complex services, we provide design and architectural preparation, engineering activities including the implementation of the entire turnkey construction. We also carry out reconstruction of office buildings, production and storage…

Stavitelství Kamínek s.r.o.

Stavitelství Kamínek s.r.o. is a reliable supplier in the field of construction and reconstruction of utilities, roads and water management structures. Our other activities include earthwork, demolition, transport of loose materials and carpentry and metalwork. We are based in the village of Líšťany, district Plzeň - sever. Construction company, civil engineering, construction, reconstruction:…

Vlastimil Hájek

The company Vlastimil Hájek, based in the district of Plzeň, offers its customers mainly carpentry work. You can contact us with a request for the reconstruction or implementation of a new roof, where we will arrange all carpentry and roofing work. At the same time, we also supply carpentry and joinery wood, such as trusses and battens. Our activity: - carpentry and roofing work -…

KA-MA Sušice s.r.o.

Our construction company KA-MA Sušice s.r.o. is a construction company that draws on twenty years of experience. We will provide masonry, plasterboard, carpentry and tiling work for your house. We also provide mechanical excavation and earthworks. Work, activity: - masonry work - plasterboard works - tiling works - carpentry work - mechanical excavation work - earthworks. We are…

Zí-Bo stavby s.r.o.

Construction company Zí-Bo stavby s.r.o. offers roofing, plumbing, carpentry and masonry work. We will insulate your house in full quality, including the facade and roof, and of course the repairs of the existing roof. We work only with quality certified materials from proven suppliers, which are tested on a number of constructions. Our team consists of professionals who understand their work.…

M & M střechy Plzeň s.r.o.

Our company M & M střechy Plzeň s.r.o., which deals with the installation of roof coverings, was established in 2000. In a very short time, we managed to take the position of a competitive company. We successfully participate in the implementation of large constructions and also handle state contracts. Our employees participate in various training courses organized by manufacturers of covering…

Felix Mužík - - pokrývačství

Felix Mužík roofing carries out the implementation and repair of all types of roofs, plumbing and carpentry work. We also offer washing of roofs with high-pressure equipment, work at heights and platform rental. We are based in Rokycany. We perform the following work: - plumbing - roofing - carpentry - reconstruction, roof repairs - assembly, inspection of lightning conductors -…