Timberwork, Carpentry

Among the carpentry work include the design and realization of wooden structures of all kinds. This is the manufacture of load-bearing structures of buildings, formwork, roofing, floor and roof beams and also on additional structures, such as pergolas, gazebos, or railings.

STŘECHY Reiner, s.r.o. - Realizace střech Liberec

Our company is engaged in the complete realization of all types of roofs, using the highest quality materials and the latest technology. We are also engaged in production and assembly of HVAC equipment for industrial, utility and residential areas. Part of our activity is also plumbing and small locksmith production, for which we have sufficient space and capacity. We work all over the Liberec…

Milan Fojt - rekonstrukce střech

Milan Fojt je firma, která se již od roku 2000 zabývá rekonstrukcí střech a dalšími souvisejícími pracemi. Sídlo firmy je v Dolní Rokytnici 70, Rokytnice nad Jizerou, a působí především v Libereckém kraji. Společnost spolupracuje s tesařskými a sádrokartonářskými firmami. Firma nabízí širokou škálu služeb, mezi které patří: - montáže střešních oken Velux a sádrokartonů - natěračské,…

Klempířství Jindrák

Klempířství Radek Jindrák offers complete roofing, plumbing and carpentry work, implementation of new roofs and reconstruction of older roofs. Our other services include work with an assembly platform with a range of 18 and 30 meters. We carry out orders in Jablonec, Liberec, but also in the whole of Eastern Bohemia. Work performed by us: - plumbing - roofing - carpentry related to the…

Pila Havel

Custom-made sawmill production Jiří Havel is engaged in the production of building timber and firewood. We also perform small carpentry production, marginally we are engaged in forestry work. The sawmill is located in Hrádek nad Nisou. Sawmill production, saw:  - building timber  - boards, beams, planks  - firewood. Small carpentry:  - pergolas  - garden furniture  - garden benches  …

Bekra CZ, s.r.o.

Střešní konstrukce a realizace střech. U plochých střech zhotovujeme provedení foliové nebo lepenkové. Na šikmých střechách provádíme krytiny foliované nebo plechové Rammilla a Satjan. Poplastování starých plechových střech provádíme speciální technologií. Nabízíme i zateplení těchto střech.

Ing. Jakub Janoušek

Carpentry: -production and assembly of wooden truss structures -production and assembly of wooden buildings -production of pergolas and garden gazebos -wooden cladding, cladding of gables and soffits -installation of skylights, production of dormers - installation of floating and wooden floors -insulated wooden facades (eg: imitation of a wooden cottage with insulation) - work at height,…

Bláha trade, s.r.o.

Stavební firma: Novostavby: -rodinné domy -roubené stavby -občanská vybavenost. Tesařské konstrukce: -pergoly -stání pro auta -přístřešky -roubené stavby -krovy. Pilařská výroba: -stavební řezivo -prkna, hranoly, fošny -plotovky, rýgle -střešní latě Zateplování budov a fasády. Rekonstrukce a opravy budov. Pokrývačské a klempířské práce. Sádrokartonářské práce. Zednické…

Stavební práce Balický

Štefan Balický's company, based in Jablonec nad Nisou in the Liberec Region, deals with all masonry work. We offer our customers reconstruction of family houses, flats and housing units. Also plasterboard work and insulation of facades. In addition, we also deal with carpentry, roofing and plumbing work. If you also need a quality plumber or heating engineer, don't hesitate to contact us. …

Dřevovýroba Turnov - David Kraus

Wood production David Kraus deals with wood processing, carpentry and joinery. We will produce for you garden elements, pergolas, terraces, furniture, kitchens, stairs and many other products according to your wishes. We will also implement the construction of wooden buildings. We operate mainly in the vicinity of Turnov, but we also have customers in Jablonec nad Nisou, Liberec, Jičín or Semily.…