Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.


Sales, assembly: - building materials - plasterboard systems KNAUF - heat and sound (acoustic) insulation ISOVER, ROCKWOOL - contact insulation of facades - POLYSTYRENE - THERMATEX mineral ceilings - roof windows FAKRO, VELUX - dry plaster (mortar mixture) CEMIX - liapor - MAKITA hand power tools - jointing compounds and adhesives for tiling - leaves - installation of…

GAVENDA s.r.o. - Železařství, spojovací materiál Opava

Branch of GAVENDA s.r.o. v Opava is a specialized shop of fasteners and ironmongery, including bolts, nuts, nails, dowels, rivets, ground anchors and electrodes. The fastener shop is located in the GAVENDA shopping center in Opava. Hardware stores:   - fasteners   - universal wood screws   - furniture, plasterboard program   - metric screws   - nuts, washers   - sheet metal screws   -…

Technické služby Opava s.r.o.

Public lighting: - phone: 553759118, Mr. Baron Jaromír - emergency service: - phone: 606710419 - laying out the cable route - commissioning of unlit lamps - repair of discharge lamps in municipalities and businesses - assembly of advertising boards. Maintenance: - phone: 553759116, Mr. Hrdina Vladimír - production of artificial waste bins and vases for mobile greenery stone…


Comprehensive construction work and reconstruction. Revitalization of prefabricated houses: - replacement of windows, reconstruction of entrances, balconies, loggias - new buildings - attic installations Work: - painting, painting - tiling, paving, structural plasters - plasterboard constructions - project work, construction supervision, facade insulation - remediation of…

B.C.F. invest s.r.o.

Jsme stavební firma, která realizuje občanské, průmyslové a bytové novostavby, rekonstrukce: - zemědělské stavby - bytové domy - bytové jádra - rodinné domy - byty - půdní vestavby - rekonstrukce bytů - inženýrská a investorská činnost - stavební dozor Práce: - zámečnické a železářské - zednické a betonářské - obklady, dlažby, malby, nátěry - odvoz a likvidace odpadu -…

Kamil Kramný - Stavební stroje Kramný

The Kamil Kramný company in Opava and its surroundings focuses on the sale of construction equipment, vibrating plates, rammers, power plants and diamond tools. We also offer municipal vacuum cleaners (own production), garden tractors brands Honda, MTD, Cup Cadet. Newly, we also provide mowing gardens and maintenance of buildings, cottages or cottages. We have more than 30 years of repair…


Stavby, stavební práce. Zateplování: - rodinné domy - činžovní domy - panelové domy. Izolace plochých střech: - tepelné izolace - hydroizolace. Montáž: - plastová okna (plastových oken).


The company PRVNÍ HORNOSLEZSKÁ STAVEBNÍ spol. s.r.o. provides complete construction activities, including earthworks and demolition. We also offer container transport and domestic truck transport. Work: - construction activity - earthworks - cutting asphalt and concrete Services: - container transport - domestic truck transport. If you are looking for a reliable company that…

STAVBY Škrobánek s.r.o.

Company STAVBY Škrobánek s.r.o. focuses mainly on the implementation of water and transport structures, utilities, earthworks, liquidation (remediation) of old loads of municipal waste landfills and also construction of gabion structures. We are based at Vráblovecká 1355 / 38a, Ludgeřovice, Opava district. Construction activity, work, construction: - water management structures -…


Dopravní stavby. Dopravně inženýrské stavby. Silniční, železniční mosty a propusty, propustky. Inženýrské stavby. Průmyslové stavby. Pozemní stavitelství (výstavba objektu, rekonstrukce, revitalizace). Bytová výstavba. Vodohospodářské stavby. Sanace betonových konstrukcí. Sanace mostů. Sanace nosných a stavebních konstrukcí. Izolace. Stavební dozor. Vypracování investičních záměrů. …