Těšínská 71,
74601 Opava
Public lighting:
- phone: 553759118, Mr. Baron Jaromír
- emergency service:
- phone: 606710419
- laying out the cable route
- commissioning of unlit lamps
- repair of discharge lamps in municipalities and businesses
- assembly of advertising boards.
- phone: 553759116, Mr. Hrdina Vladimír
- production of artificial waste bins and vases for mobile greenery
- wooden garden architecture, children's playgrounds
- painting of public lighting poles
- work with an assembly platform
- small-scale construction work
- transportation of material
- carpentry and joinery work.
- phone: 553759114, 553759115, Mr. Majdanics Michal
- delivery and removal of large-capacity containers and removal
containers with a content of 1 m3
- sweeping roads, buildings, halls, warehouses
- sprinkling and washing of roads
- work with an assembly platform
- loader work
- haulage
- vehicle washing in the area of Technické služeb Opava s.r.o., Těšínská 71.
- phone: 553759125, Mr. Witassek Marek
- repairs of ditches
- restoration of asphalt pavements
- production of bituminous surfaces
- cutting asphalt surfaces and concrete
- tamping and rolling of substrates
- work:
- tiling
- demolition
- locksmith
- horizontal marking of roads and surfaces
- production and installation of traffic signs
- cleaning:
- sidewalks and roads
- sewer inlet and pressure truck connections.
Cleanliness of the city:
- Opava, Pekařská 37a
- phone: 553627692, Mr. Opluschil Petr.
Removal of household waste:
- phone: 553759111, 553759121, Ing. Rene Kremer
- Opava, Těšínská 71:
- sorting and processing of paper and plastic waste
- Bílovecká, Hálkova, Přemyslovců:
- collection point.
- phone: 553627728, Mr. Hostinský Tomáš
- Otická 101, Opava, 746 01.
Municipal spa and swimming pool:
- traffic information:
- phone: 553627688, Mrs. Mikeska Petr
- Zámecký okruh 4, Opava, 746 21
- operation - 01.09. - 30.06..
Municipal swimming pool:
- phone: 553627736, Mrs. Mikeska Petr
- Jaselská 35, Opava.
Winter stadium.
- phone: 553627724, Ing. Skrobánek Karel
- Žižkova 5, Opava
- sale:
- ornamental deciduous trees, shrubs and conifers
- vegetable planting - celery, paprika, tomato
- flower planting
- balcony and potted flowers
- flowers to cut - possibility of binding
- services:
- professional maintenance of green areas
- collection and removal of leaves
- cutting hedges
- crushing of branches up to a diameter of 7 cm
- trimming and felling of trees
- milling stumps
- terrain work
- setting up garden adjustments
- planting mobile containers, boxes
- decorating interiors with potted and cut flowers
- rent of palm trees.
Businesses - collection points:
- winter operation from 16.11. until 16.3.
- Opava, Bílovecká
- working hours:
- Tues 11-17:30
- Sat 8-11
- Opava, Hálkova
- working hours:
- Wed 11-17:30
- Sat 8-11
- Opava, Přemyslovc
- working hours:
- Thu 11-17:30
- Sat 8-11
- summer operation from 16.3.
- waste collection points: Hálkova, Bílovecká, Přemyslovců streets
- working hours:
- Mon-Fri 11-17:30
- Sat 8-11.

  • vnitrostátní kamionová doprava, tuzemská přeprava nadrozměrných nákladů, služby pojištění odpovědnosti dopravce
  • měření elektrické energie, vadný jistič, montáž elektroměru, revize nízkého napětí, elektroměrové rozvodnice
  • výroba dřevěného nábytku, zakázkový nábytek, kuchyňské skříňky, interiér ze dřeva, vestavěné skříně na míru
  • odpadové hospodářství, sběr a svoz odpadů, velkoobjemové kontejnery, odvoz sutě a zeminy
  • výkup šrotu, sběr šrotu, ekologická likvidace autovraků, přepracovávání kovového odpadu, zpracování a odvoz odpadu
  • rodinná rekreace, zábavné atrakce, tobogány, plavecké bazény, bazény s teplou vodou, termální bazény, parní sauna, koupání a plavání
  • výroba mantinelů, ochranné sítě, sportovní oplocení, výroba žíněnek, vybavení posiloven, gymnastické vybavení, divácké tribuny, sportovní povrchy, basketbalové konstrukce, volejbalové sloupy, branky na házenou, fotbalové branky, dětská hřiště
  • rekonstrukce mostů, opravy rychlostních silnic, pozemní komunikace, zemní práce, inženýrské sítě, silniční a dálniční sítě
  • nesené plošné postřikovače, komunální rozmetadla, hydraulické štípače dřeva, motokultivátory, sněhové pluhy
  • elektrické statické zdvihací plošiny, vysokozdvižné naklápěcí vozíky, nůžkové zvedací plošiny, elektrické tahače, jeřáby a kladkostroje

Czech Companies
Inland freight transport, Electrical work, Joinery work, Waste handling and waste storage, Waste collection and purchase, Aquaparks, swimming pools and bathing establishment, Playing field and sports ground equipment, Road constructions, Municipal equipment, Lifting equipment, cranes and assembly platforms

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Garantrans s.r.o.

Transporting large building structures is not an easy thing. For such tasks companies usually have to call specialists, who have the transport of large and heavy cargo in their fingertips. Oversize transport of trusses or concrete parts is one of the issues that the Garantrans company will help you solve. They are familiar with all means of transport, no matter if it is on land, water, by railway or air.

Promet Logistics a.s.

The need of domestic and international transport is truly significant these days. If you are in need of domestic or international transport, use the services of the PROMET LOGISTICS a.s. company, which has been operating within this field since 2007. The company focuses on international transport all around the world. It gained its know-how by providing transportation for the PROMET GROUP a.s. company, whose business activities require international and domestic transportation across Western and Central Europe, as well as in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

KMT International, s.r.o.

Running a modern rail transportation is inextricably connected to quality and efficient maintenance of the track superstructure, especially to renovation of worn tramway and railway rails. During the operation itself the biggest wear and tear occurs in exposed places, such as tramway curves in city transport, or railroad switches and crossings (frogs, wing rails, switch blades), and that applies for tramway as well as for railway tracks.