Beskydgroup, s.r.o.
Provozovna: - Palackého 131, Frýdek-Místek. Stavební práce: - revitalizace - rekonstrukce střech - klempířské práce - zemní práce.
Provozovna: - Palackého 131, Frýdek-Místek. Stavební práce: - revitalizace - rekonstrukce střech - klempířské práce - zemní práce.
Construction work: - insulation of facades - reconstruction of houses - construction of family houses on a turnkey basis - revitalization of prefab houses - wooden buildings - realization of gardens.
Prodej: - stavební materiál - betonové výrobky - stavební nářadí - barvy - hutní materiál - komínové systémy.
Construction company. Construction, reconstruction: - apartment buildings, apartments, family houses - industrial halls - schools - shopping centers - administrative buildings - sports centers - parking garages. Creation of construction project documentation. Complex implementation of turnkey construction contracts.
Sale: - storage halls - prefabricated hangars, warehousing hangars, storage hangars - storage tents - steel structures - steel frames - arched prefabricated halls - hall systems - rubber granulates - granulates from tyres - steel tubes - sheets (coated with thick PVC PE, PVC 610g/m2) - sale of used (slightly used) tyres / tires.
Stavební firma. Stavby: - rodinné domy na klíč. Rekonstrukce: - rodinné domy, byty, bytová jádra, koupelny. Zateplení fasád. Montáže: - plastové okna, dveře. Práce: - zednické (zdění, omítání, štukování, obkládání) - betonářské (podkladní betony, vyrovnávací potěry) - bourací - sádrokartonové, sádrokartonářské.
Sale: - roofing (sheet metal, roof tiles) - wall and roof cassettes, trapezoids - insulating panels (sandwiches) - gutter systems.
Novostavby Beskydy. Kompletní dodávka staveb na klíč. Výstavba: - rodinné domy na klíč. Přestavby, rekonstrukce a modernizace: - objekty, části objektů - rodinné domy - interiéry - půdní vestavby - fasády. Stavební práce.
We offer complete chimney work and services. Inserting chimneys, milling chimneys, reconstruction and repair of existing chimneys, construction of new chimneys, initial inspection of chimneys for approval, mandatory annual inspection and cleaning of chimneys. We sell and install stainless steel and plastic chimney liners, plastic, stainless steel and steel flues, ceramic and stainless steel…
Construction work. Turnkey family houses. Turnkey roofs. Soil constructions. Plasterboard installation, plasterboard work. Building insulation. Turnkey bathroom renovation. Work: - water, heat, gas, electricity - plumbing - carpentry - roofing - tiling.
Dodávka, projekce, realizace, montáž: - tepelná čerpadla země-voda, vzduch-voda, vzduch-vzduch, voda-voda - solární systémy, panely, bojlery - podlahové topení, rozvody topení, rekonstrukce topných systémů. Práce: - topenářské - instalatérské. Sídlo firmy: - U Parku 864, Paskov.
Construction projection, electrical projection. Delivery of buildings, construction work: - reconstruction, modernization. Development of machinery and equipment. Reprographic work: - copying - scanning - printing.
Construction company, construction: - communication - residential and commercial buildings - family houses - industrial buildings - utilities. Building rubble recycling. Green savings.
Services: - Jetpatcher bug fixes - rental of construction machinery - garden and park improvements - production, sale of construction lumber - sale and transport of firewood - syncrofalke, processor cable car. Construction work: - work on waterways, modification of riverbeds and weirs - gabions, reinforcement of slopes with retaining walls - construction and repair of roads -…
Construction company, construction: - land and engineering constructions - family houses - reconstruction of housing cores - attic buildings - turnkey construction supplies. Construction work: - insulation of facades - demolition and earthworks.
Projekční činnost, projekce: - stavební.
Retail, wholesale, sales: - building materials, construction material. Construction company, construction: - family houses.
Stavební firma. Výstavba: - rodinné domy, domky - inženýrské sítě - kanalizace a vodovody - kanalizační, vodovodní řády.
Retail, sales: - building materials, construction material - bricks, cement, paving - roofing, cardboard, insulating materials - plaster mixes - structural steel. .
Construction company, construction, reconstruction: - family houses - residential and commercial buildings - repairs, insulation of facades - repairs of balcony structures - laying interlocking paving.
Stavební firma: - stavby, stavební práce - stavební projekce.
Wholesale, sale: - insulating material - industrial adhesives, sealants - metallurgical material - round bars, rolled, forged Services: - cutting by cutting and burning - sheet metal bending and cutting - metalworking
architectural studies (residential, civil, industrial, agricultural buildings) design of land structures (residential, civil) design of industrial buildings (agriculture, industry and production) engineering construction design statics of building structures engineering activity in investment construction
Stavební práce: - komplexní stavební činnost.