Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

Kejha Petr

Provádí práce: - vodoinstalatérské - topenářské - plynoinstalatérské. Stavební činnost. Rekonstrukce: - koupelena. Drobné stavební úpravy. Zajišťují: - revize elektro - projekční činnost - revize plynu - vložkování komínových průduchů. Kompletní zajištění zakázek. Montáž a oprava: - měřidla.

IKAR HAHN, s.r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sale, service: - new mini excavators - construction machines and small construction mechanization from renowned manufacturers MASALTA, WEBER MT, WACKER NEUSON, KIPOR. Production: - wooden balconies - railings - made of wood, stainless steel and glass - wooden fences - wooden sheds.

Josef Juchelka - Juker

Maloobchod, prodej: - keramické obklady a dlažby - sanitarní keramika (vany, sprchové kouty) - lišty - stavební chemie (penetrační nátěry, izolační stěrky, nivelační hmoty, lepící tmely, spárovací hmoty a silikony). Rekonstrukce: - koupelny, kuchyně, terasy a interiéry. Pokládka: - obklady, dlažby. Dodavatelé: Ceresit, Mapei, Baumit, Rako, Paradyz, Opočno, Domino.

Karel Foltis, Ing. - SAC

Activity: - design of ground structures (PS), - performance of engineering activities, - consulting in the construction industry, - implementation of construction supervision, - carrying out technical supervision of the builder, - provision of a responsible construction manager, - the performance of the responsible representative for construction and design (ČKAIT authorization…

Pila Hertice s. r. o. - Vlček Jindřich

The company Pila Hertice was founded in 1995 by Mr. Jindřich Vlček. Throughout its presence on the market, it places significant emphasis on quality, including professional advice in the field of woodworking. We sell carpentry and construction lumber such as prisms, planks, boards, dried planks and boards, floorboards and flooring. We will cut the log according to your requirements, plan it,…


The company Pila Hertice was founded in 1995 by Mr. Jindřich Vlček. For the entire period of its activity on the market, it places significant emphasis on quality, including expert advice in the field of woodworking. We are engaged in the sale of carpentry and construction lumber such as prisms, planks, boards, dried planks and boards, decking and flooring. We will cut, plan, impregnate the logs…

GATRO s.r.o.

Are you looking for custom-made wooden building material? Do you need help with woodworking? The company Gatro s.r.o. listens to your wishes and fulfills them in detail! We are engaged in forestry and timber activities, production and sale of lumber and firewood. In our sawmill production, we offer pallet blanks in dimensions according to the customer's wishes, boards, prisms, pallets, sawdust…