Engineering networks

The main task of utilities is to ensure the supply of needed energy, such as water, electricity and gas to households. Construction of water supply systems, gas pipelines and sewers it is therefore in the construction of the new building an essential aspect that cannot be underestimated or omitted.

AS Stavby - Alexandr Straka

The company AS Stavby - Alexandr Straka offers quality services in the field of earthmoving and excavation work. We provide landscaping, excavation of water and sewer connections and drainage of buildings and land. Our activities also include construction of sidewalks, driveways and reservoirs. We are based in Janská village, Děčín district. We provide:  - earthmoving and excavation work  -…

Pavol Uhrín

Firma Pavol Uhrín se zabývá komplexní stavební činnosti. V rámci nabízených prací nabízí například realizaci dřevostaveb, stavby na klíč i rekonstrukce, včetně bouracích prací a zhotovování přípojek na elektřinu i vodu. Dále provádí pokládku dřevěných a vinylových podlah, obkladů a dlažeb, a to i zámkových, včetně výkopů. Působí především v Ostravě a celém Moravskoslezském kraji.

GeoWorks s.r.o.

The company GeoWorks s.r.o. with headquarters in Ústí nad Labem has been engaged in specialized construction activities since 2005. We also offer all geodetic and earthworks and preparatory work for buildings. As part of our activity, we carry out, for example, small excavation works not only for civil construction, but also for more volume-intensive construction during the construction of…

Josef Lagner

Průkazy energetické náročnosti budov PENB Projekce - plynové přípojky TZB Inženýrská činnost - rozpočty Činnost architekta Projekce - drobné dopravní stavby (chodníky, pozemní komunikace) Projekce - kompletní pozemní stavitelství Projekce - vodovodní a kanalizační přípojky TZB

Ing. Miroslav Fišer

The company REPIS, s.r.o. operates in both the field of civil engineering and civil engineering. Construction of turnkey family houses, reconstruction of residential and non-residential premises, insulation, attic installations, reconstruction of apartment cores, new buildings and reconstruction of roofs and roof coverings, painting and laying of floor coverings are examples of activities in…

Milan Beran, Agro servis

Authorized service of Komatsu machines - repairs of all types of KOMATSU construction machines. Construction activity - construction of utility networks - reconstruction of buildings - construction of family houses - earthworks. Projecting - design activity. Reclamation activity. Machinery production - steel constructions - machines and equipment for mining and treatment of…

Milan Pinta - INZEMA

Engineering activities, earthwork and electrical installation work. Investor-engineering activity - provision of project documentation - securing a building permit. Realization of engineering networks - water pipes - sewerage - cable distribution and LV connections - cable television. Earthworks and road repairs - cutting asphalt - repairs of concrete surfaces - laying…

Petr Filip

Solární systémy Tepelná čerpadla Topenářské práce Podlahové vytápení Čištění - odpady - domovní i venkovní kanalizace Vodoinstalatérské práce Montáž - automatické závlahové systémy zahrad HUNTER