Engineering networks

The main task of utilities is to ensure the supply of needed energy, such as water, electricity and gas to households. Construction of water supply systems, gas pipelines and sewers it is therefore in the construction of the new building an essential aspect that cannot be underestimated or omitted.

SPING STAV spol.s r.o. - Designové rodinné domy Praha

Luxury design - luxury family houses on a turnkey basis. All buildings made of monolithic concrete. All monolithic structures:  - skeletons  - ceilings, walls, plasters  - machine plasters, insulation systems - indoor, outdoor  - high-quality plasters  - troweled, plastered  - retaining walls  - swimming pools. Implementation of special, trowel, ripped plaster. Montáže:  -…

Stavební společnost RBK a.s.

Stavební společnost RBK a.s. - Vaše první volba pro kvalitní stavitelství! Hledáte zkušeného dodavatele, který zvládne vaše stavební projekty s bravurou? Stavební společnost RBK a.s. je vaše odpověď. S více než 30 lety zkušeností a sídlem na prestižní adrese Dědinská 893/29, Praha, jsme hrdí na to, že jsme se stali stabilní a respektovanou společností v oblasti pozemního stavitelství. Naše…

COLAS CZ, a.s. - silniční stavitelství

General contractor of road construction in the Czech Republic. The activities of our company include road construction, ie construction, reconstruction, repairs and other work on roads and bridges. We also deal with the construction and reconstruction of engineering networks and railway structures, and our other activities also include stone mining and the production of crushed aggregates,…

Visterra group s.r.o.

Visterra group s.r.o. je společnost, která se zabývá stavebními pracemi od A do Z. Nabízí širokou škálu služeb v oblasti zemních prací, demolic, liniových staveb a stavebních prací. Některé z jejich hlavních činností jsou: - Zemní práce: provádějí výkopové práce, přípravu a realizaci zahrad, inženýrské sítě a komunikace. Mají k dispozici moderní techniku a zkušený personál. - Stavební…

MVD stavby spol. s r.o.

Společnost MVD stavby spol. s r.o. se zabývá širokým spektrem stavebních prací. Nabízíme kompletní služby v oblasti novostaveb, včetně nízkoenergetických a pasivních domů, a to jak zděnou technologií, tak i pomocí moderních stavebních metod. Provádíme zemní práce, výstavbu zpevněných ploch jako jsou komunikace, chodníky a parkoviště, a také výstavbu inženýrských sítí. Také se specializujeme na…

Fanty Stavby s.r.o.

Fanty Stavby s.r.o. je společnost, která se zabývá širokou škálou stavebních prací. Nabízí svým zákazníkům kvalitní a profesionální služby v oblasti stavby rodinných domů na klíč, obkladů, dlažeb, sádrokartonů, hrubých staveb, základů, fasád, zednických prací, přípojek, rekonstrukcí interiérů a dalších. Fanty Stavby s.r.o. má dlouholeté zkušenosti a spolupracuje s renomovanými dodavateli…


Construction company MERCATOR, s.r.o deals with housing construction, reconstruction of buildings and construction of utilities, also carries out earthwork and electrical installation work and operates a large rental of construction tools. We provide complex services, realize constructions, their changes and removal, including design activities in construction. We also offer installation, repair…

Henderson Profese s.r.o.

Technology enabling the laying of utility networks without the need for excavation. We lay water pipes, sewers, heat pipes, gas distributions, electricity, etc. using the method of controlled and uncontrolled pressure under roads, railway lines and gardens, which minimizes the execution of earthworks and subsequent landscaping.

SPOLSTAV Praha s.r.o.

The company SPOLSTAV Praha s.r.o. specializes in the complete construction of sewer connections, excavation of galleries and excavation of shafts. We also perform reconstructions and repairs of existing sewers. We provide comprehensive services, we offer the elaboration of the necessary projects, we will handle all formalities for you at the relevant authorities and we will provide everything…

Vodovodní a kanalizační přípojky – Ing. Martin Kozák - X - SERVIS INVEST s.r.o.

Company X-SERVIS INVEST s.r.o. (Water and sewer connections Ing. Martin Kozák) with headquarters in Prague deals with the realization of connections, building modifications and also real estate clearance. Part of our activity is mainly the realization of sewage, water and gas connections on a turnkey basis incl. project documentation. We also implement complete projects, such as geodetic…

Pavel Toušek

Carrying out all construction works on a small and large scale. Complete implementation of constructions and renovations, implementation of engineering networks, electrical installations, water supply, sewage and gas. We provide customers with a complete construction service, from the preparation of the order, the processing of project documentation and detailed calculations to the actual…

Stavební společnost Wirtuuu a.s.

Construction company - implementation of engineering, transport and industrial buildings. We are general contractor - member of Jacobb group. Our activities include:  - supply of any turnkey construction  - construction of family houses and apartment buildings, industrial halls, office space and shopping centers  - reconstruction and maintenance of buildings  - we carry out all…

KLEE s.r.o.

Work: - installation of water supply and sewerage - water, sewer and gas connections - repairs of water and sewerage regulations - earthworks - cutting with a hydraulic hammer - slope - digging of trenches - milling of bituminous and concrete surfaces - laying of edgings of all types of interlocking paving - modifications of forest and field roads.

Jiří Jaroš - Zista

The company Jiří Jaroš - Zista performs all earthworks, and also provides complete supplies of water, gas and sewerage connections, including project documentation. We offer landscaping, paving, including the implementation of substrates, cleaning of watercourses, including modifications of riverbeds and banks or repair of roads. We also provide trucking and crane work. Another activity we deal…