Engineering networks

The main task of utilities is to ensure the supply of needed energy, such as water, electricity and gas to households. Construction of water supply systems, gas pipelines and sewers it is therefore in the construction of the new building an essential aspect that cannot be underestimated or omitted.

Stavby Nisa, s.r.o. - Specialisté na bydlení Liberec a okolí

CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. M-STAVBY Liberec has been active in the construction industry for many years and provides this area in a comprehensive and professional manner. Construction activities of the company: CONSTRUCTION, CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION: - turnkey family houses (or only partial delivery) - residential houses - thermal insulation of facades and attic spaces - outbuildings,…

HAVAX a.s. - Stavební firma Liberec

HAVAX Liberec. Professional construction company with many years of experience and strong background. We provide complex construction activities from the project to handing over the finished work. Our priority is the professional quality of orders and keeping the construction deadline. We realize constructions all over the Czech Republic and we have a team of people who guarantee high…

Július Makula

Július Makula provides a wide range of construction work. We specialize in earthworks and excavations, sewer laying, masonry work, insulation, paving, debris removal and painting work. All this and even more can be provided by the company Július Makula, Jablonec nad Nisou. Construction activity, work, services: - earthworks and excavations - field work - mason, masonry - laying tiles -…

Pavel Turo - stavební práce

Pavel Turo focuses on the implementation of construction work. As part of my services, I do earthwork and excavation work, landscaping, excavation of excavator foundations, thermal insulation, insulation of balconies and terraces, utilities or demolition work. The head office of the company can be found at Jeronýmova 3288/17, Jablonec nad Nisou. Construction activity, work: - earthmoving and…

Brabec Liberec s.r.o.

The company Brabec Liberec s.r.o. is a construction company that focuses on construction work in the field of engineering networks. We are primarily engaged in the construction and implementation of water mains, sewers and waste water treatment plants. Our activities also include the sale of sand, gravel and coal. We approach each order individually and guarantee high-quality and…


Pronájem a servis stavebních strojů, nářadí, mechanizace a zahradní techniky. Půjčovna hutnící a vibrační techniky, elektrocentrály, kalová čerpadla, bourací a vrtací kladiva, jádrové vrtačky, stolové a blokové pily, řezače, frézy a brusky, průmyslové vysavače, kompresory, bagry a rypadla, dempry, smykové a kloubové nakladače atd. Servis a opravy stavebních strojů. Stavební divize provádí…


-All construction work and renovations - Construction and installation of fences -Painting and painting works - Drywall works -Installation of mineral ceilings -Management of buildings -Cleaning services -Manual cleaning of snow -Handyman - Valuation of real estate, real estate activity -Ensuring project work and negotiations with the authorities - Wiring, revisions and electrical…

REHAK TZB s. r. o.

Montáže, realizace: - Kanalizace, voda (plasty, pozink) - Plyn (pasty, měď, ocel) - Topení (kotelny plyn, LTO, PB, solární energie, tepelná čerpadla) - Technologické rozvody (vzduch, argon, …) - Izolace potrubních rozvodů (ÚT, chlazení) - Klempířské práce na izolace rozvodů - Průmyslové plynovody - Vnitřní instalace plynu a plynové kotelny bez omezení výkonu -Vnitřní rozvody…

Jan Lošonský

Topenářské práce Montáže, opravy a výměny - vodovodní, kanalizační a odpadního potrubí Vodoinstalační prácemontáže, opravy a výměny - vodovodní, kanalizační a odpadní potrubívodoinstalace - zařizovací předměty, výtokové armatury a bytové vodoměry

Michal Smolák

Realization of buildings - construction of family houses on a turnkey basis (including consultation and engineering) - construction of operational halls on a turnkey basis, including consultation and engineering Engineering and consulting - buildings - turnkey family houses - turnkey operating halls

Pizár, s.r.o.

Ski resort Paseky nad Jizerou - ski lift - Ski equipment rental - ski school. Construction activity - construction of family and recreational facilities - construction of residential and commercial buildings - construction of snowmaking, ski lifts and cable cars - construction of engineering networks and small access roads - technical supervision during construction. Pension…