Authorities and organizations

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Římskokatolická farnost Březnice u Zlína

Římskokatolická farnost Březnice u Zlína je aktivním společenstvím, které se zaměřuje na duchovní růst a sociální služby ve své komunitě. Mezi její hlavní aktivity patří pravidelné bohoslužby, výuka náboženství pro všechny věkové kategorie a duchovní setkání, která posilují víru a společenství mezi farníky. Farnost také organizuje sociální činnost, která pomáhá lidem v nouzi a podporuje…

Elim Vsetín, o.p.s.

Provision of social services for homeless people: - Elim Asylum - Elim Dormitory - Elim Day Center - Field work Elim Other social services: - Social rehabilitation Elim - for people with disabilities and for people in crisis Another services - Leisure activities for children and youth More information at

IZAP Slunečnice z.ú. - Integrované centrum SLUNEČNICE

Sheltered workshops: - Non-traditional training cafe - Catering and confectionery - Gastro workshop - Production of natural soap - Ceramic workshop - Creative workshop - Technical workshop and completion of company orders - Gardening workshop. - Sales galleries and sales of products from sheltered workshops. Operator: IZAP Slunečnice z.ú. THE ORGANIZATION IS ESTABLISHED TO PROMOTE…

Dům s pečovatelskou službou Tereza - PONTIS Šumperk o.p.s.

Nursing home: - has a total of 35 apartments, of which 34 are 1+1 apartments and one 2+1 apartment - the apartments are equipped with a kitchen unit, each tenant has his own other furniture - for seniors, or citizens who are self-sufficient but need help for their poor health to live independently - basic care activities such as shopping, food delivery, household cleaning, washing and ironing…