Authorities and organizations

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Domov U Anežky, poskytovatel sociálních služeb

Dom U Anežka, provider of social services in Luštěnice We provide seniors with a dignified life in our home. The mission of Domov U Anežka is to provide for seniors who cannot live in their own environment due to their reduced self-sufficiency and need the support and help of another person. We provide accommodation, food, laundry, nursing and health care and support the use of clients' free…

ZO Odborového svazu státních orgánů a organizací - Sociální služby města Jičína

Sociální zabezpečení. Domov důchodců: - Jičín, Hofmanova 574, tel.:493546212 - Jičín, Poděbradova 335, tel.:493522956. Pečovatelská služba: - Jičín, Hofmanova 568, tel.:493535517-p.Gažiová tel.:493533815-p.Jarešová. Domovinka: - Jičín, Hofmanova 568, tel.:493533815. Služby: - lidem dříve narozeným, zdravotně postiženým - úklid domácností - nákupy - dovoz…