Authorities and organizations

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Dotek o.p.s.

Centrum zdravotní a sociální pomoci. Certifikované pracoviště Bazální stimulace. Služby: -ošetřovatelské a pečovatelské: -respitní (úlevová) péče pobytová a terénní -pečovatelská služba v domácím prostředí -domácí zdravotní péče -bazální stimulace -denní stacionář. Půjčovna: -kompenzační pomůcky.

Obec Tichov

The village of Tichov is a small Wallachian village located 5 km northwest of Valašské Klobouky. It is located in the valley around the Tichovské stream on the southern edge of the Vizovice Hills. The village of Tichov has 340 inhabitants living in 107 buildings. The cadastre of the village has an area of 732 ha. The first written report on the existence of the settlement dates from 1422 …