Crop growing

For the successful beginning of the cultivation of crops it is necessary to purchase seed, and the seeds of the desired plants. You can also buy seed corn, cereals, sugar beet or sunflower. In addition to seed needs to get even fertilisers and chemical pre

Jan Král - Zemědělská výroba Král

Are you looking for a company in your area that deals with agricultural and plant production? Are you looking for a lessor of warehouse space? If yes, then contact us! I am a private farming farmer in Českobrodsk and the surrounding area. I offer cultivation and sale of grain and other cultural crops. I am also engaged in trade with communities and the rental of warehouse space in former…

Jaroslav Kurc

Rizikové kácení Dřevovýroba - dětská hřiště Horolezecká technika - kácení a úprava korun Pěstování, prodej - okrasné dřeviny Lesnictví - školkařství Pěstitelská činnost

Ing. Pavel Stejskal

Production of agricultural products and feed for breeders. Sales of yellow, green, red and Senegalese millet, sunflowers, oats, sorghum and the like. Sowing cereals, sunflowers and corn.