Služby města Postoloprty, s.r.o.
Swimming area. Hostel. Production of heat and electricity. Technical Services - waste collection - plant care - city cleaning.
Swimming area. Hostel. Production of heat and electricity. Technical Services - waste collection - plant care - city cleaning.
Production and distribution - heat - domestic hot water
Výroba a rozvod - tepelná energie Rozvod - teplá a horká voda
The company TEPLO Frýdlant s.r.o, the founder of which is the services of the city of Frýdlant, was established on 1 January 1996 as a part of the Services of the City of Frýdlant and its founder is the City of Frýdlant and since 2002 TEPLO Frýdlant has been a limited liability company. This organization ensures the production, distribution and supply of heat and hot water and operates a hot…
Projection - heat pumps - floor heating Assembly, service, projection - heat pumps Assembly, service - floor heating Construction - ventilation - air conditioning Service - ventilation - air conditioning Projection - ventilation - air conditioning
Management of apartments and buildings Repairs of ZT, UT and gas installations Production and distribution of heat and electricity production
Poradenství - energetika - tepelná technika Projekce - energetika - tepelná technika Projekce a poradenství - ocelové konstrukce Poradenství - stroje - strojírenská zařízení Projekce - stroje - strojírenská zařízení
Regulace - vytápění jednotlivých místností
Production, trade, transport and supply: - electricity and gas. Standby gas: - phone number 1239
Podzemní zásobníky plynu
Member of the RWE concern. Gas distribution.
Výroba a dodávka - elektrická energie Výroba a dodávka - teplo
Design activity: - draft of the overall heating concept - calculation of heat losses of the object. Retail, wholesale: - floor heating Oreg Wecoflex.
Energy consulting Energy audits
Servis - čerpadla Podvrty domů a komunikací Kopání a servis - studny