Production and distribution of energies

Electricity and gas produced and supply power and gas company, which further provide services such as heating and operation of equipment. Among the services include the production of, respectively, the extraction of energy, waste energy, and their bargain purchases, goes without saying there are also consulting services.

Bohumil Novák

Montáž - vyhrazená plynová zařízení Revize, opravy, zkoužky - vyhrazená plynová zařízení Autorizované měření účinnosti spalovacího zdroje Revize a kontrola - spalinové cesty

AUTCOM Příbram s.r.o.

The supplier AUTCOM Příbram s.r.o. specializes in outsourcing, consulting and technical services in the field of energy and industry. We offer outsourcing for project management at all levels. We cooperate with important and large suppliers of technological units in the energy sector, we also provide services for smaller operations. We implement, for example, power plants, decentralized heating…

B.M.S. - Biomasse - Systeme, s.r.o.

Work: - heating -establishment and operation of boiler rooms -reconstruction and renovation of boiler rooms - construction of heat distribution systems -solar and thermal heating Production, wholesale: -biomass -chip -devices for burning biomass and pellets

Česká voda - Czech Water, a.s.

Delivery, repair, service: - water management facilities for treatment and distribution of drinking water Services: - installation of water meters - truck transport - replacement supply of drinking water, water import, filling of swimming pools phone: 272 172 537, 601 394 730, 602 213 154 - balancing of waste pits phone: 601 394 730, 602 213 154 Production: - flanges - fittings -…