Aloise Jiráska 260,
26101 Příbram IV
The supplier AUTCOM Příbram s.r.o. specializes in outsourcing, consulting and technical services in the field of energy and industry. We offer outsourcing for project management at all levels. We cooperate with important and large suppliers of technological units in the energy sector, we also provide services for smaller operations. We implement, for example, power plants, decentralized heating plants, heat exchangers, security and attendance systems and the like.

Outsourcing, consulting, services:
- technical services in the field of energy and industrial projects
- project management
- commissioning, commissioning of technologies
- regular and emergency service and maintenance of put into operation technological units.

We implement the following projects:
- construction and commissioning of a power plant
- repair and testing of the control system
- decentralized heating plants
- heat exchangers
- telemetry systems
- fire protection systems
- security and attendance systems.

The supplier AUTCOM Příbram s.r.o. provides comprehensive services, we implement turnkey projects, including the supply of relevant equipment, installation, commissioning, certification until the final delivery to the customer. We operate on projects in the Czech Republic and abroad in cooperation with very important technology suppliers. You can find us at Aloise Jiráska 260, Příbram.

  • poplašné systémy, požární alarmy, servis elektronických poplašných systémů, detektory pohybu, bezdrátové alarmy
  • outsourcing firemních procesů, pronájem externích zdrojů, outsourcing IT služeb, outsourcing personální agendy, outsourcing účetnictví, snižování firemních nákladů
  • energetické služby, energie do domácnosti, energie pro průmysl, fotovoltaická energie, rozvod elektrické energie
  • dodávky tepla do domácností, dodávky tepla do firem, montáže teplovodní přípojky, servis teplárenských kotlů

Czech Companies
Electronic security systems and accessories, Outsourcing, Energetics, Heat and power production