Šenovská 543/101,
71000 Ostrava - Slezská Ostrava
The company TEPLOTECHNA Ostrava a.s. is a construction company with a tradition of performing constructions in the field of heat engineering and high-rise reinforced concrete constructions in the Czech Republic and abroad. At the same time, we are dynamically developing activities in new promising areas of building construction and high-rise and prefabricated buildings.

- construction, service and consultancy in the field of refractory constructions in all industries
- realization of the so-called turnkey electrical contract, ie from design to construction, or realizes construction on the basis of projection or investor's request
- during service activities, the company uses state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques, including thermal imaging, and is thus able to map the condition of the equipment long before an accident or serious damage occurs.

- construction, service and consultancy in the field of building construction
- all buildings of the character of building construction, both new buildings and reconstructions
- especially the implementation of concrete monolithic skeletons of civil, residential and industrial buildings with the use of system formwork, rehabilitation of concrete structures, construction of halls, warehouses, repairs and insulation of facades
- we perform reconstructions of buildings, including monuments
- we provide complete engineering, studies, acquisitions, design, supply, installation, construction after approval.

High-rise and prefabricated buildings:
- construction of GSM, LTE light masts and rooftop superstructures for both existing and new GSM and LTE mobile operators on civil, industrial and high-rise buildings
- construction of masts for the GSM-R railway communication system
- construction of road portals for tolls, traffic signs, traffic signs and variable information signs on motorways and roads I. and II. class
- construction of lookout towers, viewpoints, footbridges, power bridges, bridges and other high-rise prefabricated structures
- for all activities we have developed technological procedures in accordance with the requirements of quality and safety and health at work.

We are a company that builds on the rich, professional experience of our employees, top know-how, excellent technical equipment and the ability to meet the most demanding wishes of our customers with adaptation to their individual requirements. We are located at Šenovská 543/101, Ostrava.

  • výstavba bytových jednotek, stavba řadových domů, realizace projektů pro novostavby, zpracování projektové dokumentace
  • obchodní a administrativní střediska, skladovací a logistická centra, stavby škol a nemocnic, budování sportovních hřišť
  • ropné plošiny, průmyslové manufaktury, elektrárenské provozy, pivovarská zařízení, textilní závody, strojírenské továrny, průmyslové pece, průmyslové sklady, železárenské závody
  • rekonstrukce bytových jader, sádrokartonářské práce, kompletní elektroinstalační práce, modernizace bytu
  • montážní haly, schodiště a zábradlí, vrata a oplocení, zámečnické konstrukční prvky, městský mobiliář, kovové konstrukce výroba

Czech Companies
New residential construction, New non-residential construction, Industrial constructions, Reconstruction and revitalization, Steel structures and metal stairs

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