Lipová 1315, 66501 Rosice Services: - felling of trees - felling a tree in confined spaces - directional felling of trees - through mature trees - planting trees - reasonable prices - Free transport up to 30 km from Brno
Products revitalizace zeleně, sadové úpravy, ošetření stávajících dřevin, výsadba stromů a keřů, ošetření trávníku Czech Companies Landscape, park and garden design
Matouš Hydroponie s.r.o. Design and execution of floral decorations in hotels, shopping centres, schools or offices Czech Republic
Centrála AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. Waste collection and disposal, Prague, the Czech Republic
BAOBAB - péče o zeleň s.r.o. Maintenance, creation and establishment of gardens Prague - West, the Czech Republic
BAOBAB - péče o zeleň s.r.o. Design and creation of gardens and parks Prague-West, the Czech Republic