Vyhlídková 17,
31200 Plzeň
Garden studio:
-removal of unsuitable trees
-removal of ruderal vegetation
- removing the sod
-cutting down a tree
-establishing the lawn by sowing, weeding
- establishment of lawn in vegetation
- digging holes for planting plants
-digging furrows for planting plants
- planting flowers
-establishing a flower bed
- tillage of the soil - digging, skidding,
dragging, digging, rolling, trampling
-planting of trees with bales, without bales
- planting bushes
-anchoring of trees
- transplanting trees
-making jute packaging
- planting a hedge
- treatment of planted trees
(solitary, in groups)
- chemical weeding before and after establishing the culture
- fertilization
- fitting stakes to the tree with tying
- mulching
-treatment of planted flowers (weeding, removal of flowered parts of plants)
- import of water for watering plants
-green maintenance (lawn mowing, raking, aerating, cutting the lawn)
-planting of missing (withered, stunted) plants
-cutting and shaping of hedges or walls
- protection of trees from the taste of animals (protector, chemical coating)
- tree cutting, crown cutting, bush cutting, bush rejuvenation - leaf raking
-protection of plants from frost by covering
- execution of flower decorations
- execution of binding and arrangement of flowers.

  • komplexní pozemkové úpravy, úpravy zahrad, úpravy parků, realizace prvků ÚSES, revitalizace toků, rekultivace krajiny, zakládání stromořadí, likvidace invazních druhů rostlin
  • návrhy zahrad, 3D vizualizace zahrad, zahradní architektura, projektování zahrad, zahrady na klíč, návrhy okrasných zahrad
  • distribuce listnatých stromů, prodej substrátů a hnojiv, travní osiva, dekorační kůra, okrasné dřeviny, sazenice květin a rostlin

Czech Companies
Landscape, park and garden design, Garden design, Gardening