čp. 7,
43001 Lažany
Cultivation and breeding with tradition is AGROCOM HRUŠOVANY, spol. s.r.o.

Since its foundation in 1991, our company has been farming in the fertile part of the former Chomutov district adjacent to the Žatec part of the Louny district.

The main field of activity is plant and animal production. We specialize in the cultivation of cereals, oilseeds and cattle breeding.

The company manages approx. 2176 ha of agricultural land, of which almost 1710 ha is arable land. On an area of 1600 ha, we grow cash crops - 60% are cereals and 25% oilseeds.

In total, we keep 700 cattle, including 200 cattle in fattening.

To a lesser extent, we also provide services in the field of plant production and truck transport.

  • chov hospodářských zvířat, chov skotu, chov koz, chov prasat, chov drůbeže, chov pro maso, zpracování masa a kůže
  • zpracování luštěnin, distribuce sušeného hrachu, prodej čočky a sóji, sušené fazole, slunečnice, mák a sezam
  • pěstování plodin, rostlinná výroba, zemědělské komodity, potravinářská pšenice, ječmen sladovnický, krmné proso
  • množení osiv, výpěstky ovocných stromků, setí obilovin, sečení travnatých ploch, kácení stromů

Czech Companies
Livestock, Legumes and oil plants, Cereals, straw, fodder, Services in plant production and soil cultivation