Zemědělské družstvo Pardubice
Agrodružstvo Klas focuses on animal and plant production. We are breeding cattle, pigs and milk production. Our other activities include repair of agricultural machinery, locksmith work and we also run a fuel station, which can be found in the Rohoznice center. We are located in the village Křičeň, district Pardubice.
Agricultural cooperative:
Livestock production:
- dairy cows
- milk production
- rearing of dairy cattle
Crop production.
Repair, service, maintenance:
- agricultural machinery
- tractors
- stable mechanization
- loaders
- lorries.
- metalwork
- welding work
- turning work
Fuel station Rohoznice:
- diesel, diesel
- oils, lubricants.
Our agricultural cooperative prides itself on tradition and quality. If you are interested in our products or services, please contact us.
Agricultural cooperative:
Livestock production:
- dairy cows
- milk production
- rearing of dairy cattle
Crop production.
Repair, service, maintenance:
- agricultural machinery
- tractors
- stable mechanization
- loaders
- lorries.
- metalwork
- welding work
- turning work
Fuel station Rohoznice:
- diesel, diesel
- oils, lubricants.
Our agricultural cooperative prides itself on tradition and quality. If you are interested in our products or services, please contact us.
"Pěstujeme budoucnost - AGRODRUŽSTVO KLAS."
"Živočišná výroba s láskou a péčí - AGRODRUŽSTVO KLAS."
"Tradice, kvalita, inovace - AGRODRUŽSTVO KLAS."
"Zavolejte 466 921 921 - Váš přímý kontakt na kvalitu a spolehlivost."
Petrol stations, Filling stations Locksmith work Machining, turning and milling work Welding work Agricultural machinery Lubricants and oils Motor fuels Livestock Cereals, straw, fodder
SLOGAN: Partner pro zemědělství!
Živočišná výroba, chov skotu
Rostlinná výroba, pěstování obilí
Opravy zemědělských strojů
Sklizeň obilí
Kvalitní mechanizace