Svatoplukova 352/2,
46001 Liberec 4
Activity of energy auditors.
Activity of economic consultants in the field
regulatory, control and computer technology
and electrical engineering.
Activities of organizational consultants in the field
regulatory, control and computer technology
and electrical engineering.
Sales, revision, maintenance, service:
-electronic device.
Projection, measurement and regulation:
- electro.
- remote metrology
- radio data transmissions
- management of substations.
- low voltage switchboards
-electronic device.
Complex services:
-measurement and control.
Comprehensive delivery:
- exchange stations and boiler rooms.
Delivery, assembly, production, service:
-measuring equipment
- numerical control systems of energy
and technological processes
- integrated management systems
energy management and ASRTP.
-consulting in energy and the field
energization of savings and management with
Delivery, assembly, service, maintenance:
- telecommunications equipment.
Business activity (purchase of goods for the purpose
its resale).
Project activity under construction.
-sofware (sale of finished programs)
on the basis of a contract with the authors.
- technological software.

  • elektronika pro regulační soustavy, mikroprocesorové systémy, výroba elektronických zařízení, elektrické napájecí zdroje
  • telefony a faxy, kabelové rozvody, telefonní ústředna, analogová a digitální telekomunikace, gsm brány
  • vývoj software, tvorba her a aplikací, softwarové produkty, instalace operačních systémů, přeinstalace operačních systému, obnova ztracených dat
  • bimetalové teploměry, měření vodivosti, měřící technika, hlukoměry, otáčkoměry, tlakové senzory, manometry
  • energetické služby, energie do domácnosti, energie pro průmysl, fotovoltaická energie, rozvod elektrické energie

Czech Companies
Electronic devices and components, Telecommunications equipment, Programming and computer services, Measuring and control equipment, Energetics