EDB recommends

čp. 175,
54906 Bohuslavice
Bohuslavice nad Metují village is geographically and touristy belongs to the Kladsko border and is located in the foothills of the Eagle Mountains in the district Nachod. The Bohuslavice stream flows through Bohuslavice with a cascade of ponds - Šuryt, Štíp, Tláskal, Věžiště, Pod hospodou, Pod pastouškou and Dolní pond. Bohuslavice is first mentioned in the foundation of the church of Dobruška from 1361. At present there are 1016 permanent inhabitants.

Municipal amenities:
- municipal office
- Kindergarten
- elementary School
- hospitality
- grocery stores, general merchandise
- Czech Post.

- GP surgery.

- old evangelical school
- St. Nicholas Church
- bell tower
- vicarage.

Nature Reserve
- floodplain forest, rare protected flora
- there was also a well-known and legendless bottomless lake, which is written in A. Jirásek's novel "Darkness".

Associations and Associations:
- Volunteer Fire Brigade, TJ Sokol, Hunting Association, Czech Gardening Association .... and others.