EDB recommends

Zdounky 27,
76802 Zdounky
Zdounky is a village and municipality (obec) in Kroměříž District in the Zlín Region. It has an area of 2662 ha and is situated at an altitude of 237 meters above sea level. The village also includes Cvrčovice, Divoky, Nětčice, Těšánky and Lebedov. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1298. Currently in our village live 2111 inhabitants.

Equipment of village:
- municipal office
- mail
- library
- health Center
- playground
- aquacentrum.

- Kindergarten
- elementary School
- Elementary Art School

- House of Culture
- cinema.

Associations and Associations:
- Voluntary Firefighter Unit
- Hunting Association
- Czech Gardeners Association
- Czech Association of Beekeepers
- TJ Zdounky .... and others.

Monuments, history:
- Holy Trinity Church
- Chateau Zdounky
- Chateau park
- lookout tower Zdenička.

In the village there are also natural monuments Drážov and Kamenec and an important location Chřiby.