Obec Lhota
The village of Lhota is located on the foothills of the Vizovice Hills, near the regional town of Zlín. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1362, in 1980 Lhota became part of Zlín, then Gottwaldov and regained its independence in 1990. At present, 853 inhabitants live here.
Village facilities:
- municipal office, Czech POINT
- general store
- Kindergarten
- municipal library
- hospitality
- House of Culture
- Church of St. Anny.
Associations in the village:
- TJ Sokol Lhota
- Lhota Volunteer Fire Brigade, Lhota SDH
- Hunting company Lhota - Karlovice
- GRAND PRIX LHOTA with toy car models
- Leisure center.
We organize a number of sports and social events in our village throughout the year. You can find the news on the website.
Village facilities:
- municipal office, Czech POINT
- general store
- Kindergarten
- municipal library
- hospitality
- House of Culture
- Church of St. Anny.
Associations in the village:
- TJ Sokol Lhota
- Lhota Volunteer Fire Brigade, Lhota SDH
- Hunting company Lhota - Karlovice
- GRAND PRIX LHOTA with toy car models
- Leisure center.
We organize a number of sports and social events in our village throughout the year. You can find the news on the website.
Regional, city and municipal authorities
Letecký snímek
Pamětní deska
Sbor dobrovolných hasičů
Místní ulice