mezi Holešovem a Zlínem,
76901 Martinice
Projection, computer designs, visual
-parks / parks /.
Realization, construction:
-private gardens
-public spaces
-lawns / lawns /
-small garden architecture:
-pergollas, trellises, flower walls, water areas.
Garden maintenance:
-section of trees and shrubs
-chemical treatment, fertilization and lawn mowing.
Sales, gardening, arboretum:
-ornamental trees, trees, saplings, shrubs:
-coniferous - junipers, thuja, cypress, pine, spruce, larch, yew
-leaves for hedges - bird's beak *, plantains
-leaves for group planting-weigelia, forsythia, pustoryl, cinchona
-Evergreen deciduous trees-viburnum, laurels, pearls, ivy
-hair plants-heather, heather, azaleas, rhododendrons, skimmy, pierises
-pennials and ornamental grasses -a wide range of 160 species
-specialization for grafting-conifers, deciduous trees, witch trees
-Large-flowered roses, polyanthybrids, ground cover, tree, climbing.
Martinice sales center:
-Assortment of ornamental trees
-substrates and mulch bark
-delivery of woody plants
-Heath plants.

  • údržba zeleně, úpravy stromů a dřevin, renovace trávníků, instalace zavlažovacích systémů, terénní úpravy, péče o zeleň
  • projektování okrasných zahrad, zahradní architektura, okrasná jezírka, okrasné záhony, rozvržení plochy zahrady, realizace zahrad
  • ovocné školky, okrasné stromy a keře, skalničky a trvalky, pokojové a balkonové květiny

Czech Companies
Landscape, park and garden design, Garden design, Gardening