Transport, Transportation

Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

Zelina Martin - Recyklační dvůr Míškovice, Hulín

The Zelina company provides container transport and performs all earthworks, excavation work and landscaping, demolition and demolition of buildings, including processing and recycling of construction waste. Container transport and all work are carried out in the Zlín Region, Kroměříž, Zlín, Holešov. We are professionals in our field. Services, work: -demolition of buildings, houses …

REKOS Olomouc spol. s.r.o. - Autojeřáby STEJSKAL-REKOS Olomouc

If you are looking for a company that will assemble and disassemble components, sheathing of buildings, moving machines or ensuring reach to poorly accessible locations, then REKOS Olomouc spol. s.r.o. the professional business you need. It focuses on working with crane trucks (crane work) and also provides you with their rental. We do crane work mainly in the following cities: - Olomouc,…

SYSEDISTYS s.r.o. - Mezinárodní doprava a logistika v EU

Společnost SYSEDISTYS s.r.o. provozuje mezinárodní nákladní a kamiónovou dopravu po celé Evropě, včetně expresní přepravy, či přepravy nebezpečných nákladů dle dohody ADR. Zaměřujeme se na logistiku a profesionální dopravu v rámci EU. Naši výkonnost podtrhují moderní kamiony značky Mercedes-Benz, které umožňují převážet náklady s maximální spolehlivostí. Pravidelný servis a údržba našich…


Company METALLURGICAL & STEEL SERVICE s.r.o. focuses on the installation of water, gas and air piping, electricity meter switchboards and pipe welding. We provide moving machines. We install crane tracks and steel structures. We are based in Vratimov, near Ostrava. We specialize in: Assembly, production and delivery:  - and welding of piping for media: water, air, gas, steam, technical…

RegioJet, a.s.

RegioJet je společnost, která přináší moderní a pohodlnou železniční přepravu a autobusovou dopravu. Ať už jedete na obchodní jednání nebo na dovolenou, RegioJet nabízí komfortní cestu vlakem. Pokud preferujete silniční dopravu, RegioJet má pro vás žluté autobusy. Žluté autobusy jsou skvělou alternativa pro ty, kteří chtějí cestovat pohodlně a za rozumnou cenu. Sedíte v pohodlném sedadle,…

REKOM Nový Bydžov, a.s. - Stavební činnost Hradec Králové

Construction company REKOM Nový Bydžov, a.s. focuses on the construction and reconstruction of roads. We are also engaged in the production of concrete mixtures. We realize constructions as complex deliveries on request of the customer and the latest methods of quality management according to ISO 9001 standard Construction activity:  - transport structures: roads, roads, cycle paths  -…

Kamenolom Žlutava s.r.o.

Quarry Žlutava s.r.o. carries out recycling and takeover of construction waste, rubble, concrete, landfilling. We are selling crushed stone and stone, Moravian offal, quarry stone. ISO 9001: 2009, ISO 14001: 2005 certified. Takeover, subscription:  - inert excavation soil. Waste recycling:  -building waste, rubble, concrete. Quarry, stone, aggregates. Production, sale, delivery,…

BerGreen roof s.r.o. - Realizace zelené střechy

S návrhem, realizací, údržbou i rekonstrukcí zelené střechy vám pomůže firma BerGreen roof s.r.o. z Bořetic. Realizujeme intenzivní i extenzivní zelené střechy a zajistíme hydroizolaci plochých střech. Kromě toho se také zabývá bouracími pracemi, provozujeme autodopravu a zajišťujeme pronájem přívěsného mobilního jeřábu. Působíme na území celé Moravy, a to v Břeclavi, Brně, Olomouci, Zlíně i…

Kamenivo Zlín Rybníky - Igor Čejka

The company Kamenivo Zlín Rybníky specializes in the sale and transport of sand, gravel, aggregates (crushed, natural), soil and mulch, transport of loose materials and container transport in the locality Zlín, Otrokovice. In our assortment you will find the following fractions of crushed aggregates: - 0/32 and 0/63 suitable for subfill and backfill, - 4/8, which is mainly used under garden…

DS Sihelský s.r.o. - Nákladní, kontejnerová doprava Semily

Transport company SIHELSKÝ s.r.o. has been specializing for many years in the transport of bulk materials with tipping semi-trailers with a volume of 29 - 50 m3. We transport soil, gravel, sand and thanks to GMP certification we can also transport agricultural commodities. We also operate our own truck service center. Road transport, transportation, services: - bulk materials - gravel, sands…

Proznak-dopravní značení s.r.o.

Company Flag-traffic signs s.r.o. since 1989 he has been active in the field of traffic signs and offers services for the solution of traffic restrictions. Rental, rental  - traffic signs, equipment Installation:  - temporary traffic signs - closures, detours  - traffic equipment - warning yellow flashing lights, illuminated    signaling devices - shuttle operation of vehicles,…

DEER BROTHERS s.r.o. - Vodoinstalatér Vyškov

The company DEER BROTHERS s.r.o. based in Vyškov, has been engaged in activities in the field of water, heating, gas and sewage for more than 30 years. As part of our activities, we offer, for example, cleaning of water pipes, waste and sewage, reconstruction of housing units and family houses, as well as manual excavation. You can also contact us with a request for demolition work and…

Mayday TAXI Service - Osobní a firemní přeprava Klatovy

Dostaneme vás bezpečně a komfortně, kam potřebujete. Na byznys schůzku, k doktorovi, na letiště. Objednávat můžete přes apku, platit kartou i v bitcoinech. A pod kapotou máme další benefity. Naše služby se zaměřují na poskytování kvalitní a komfortní přepravy pro naše zákazníky, a jsme hrdí na to, že sledujeme nejnovější inovace v oblasti dopravy. V rámci našich služeb nabízíme: - 24/7…

Michal PIRKL - Výkup kovového odpadu Lanškroun

Purchase of scrap metal:  - stainless steel, cast iron, steel  - waste iron  - Non-ferrous metals  - aluminum, copper, bronze, brass, lead, zinc, tin, etc.  - cables  - disposal of metal structures  - disposal of machinery  - Cable processing  - Delivery of the scrap metal container  - the sale of raw materials to processors and other traders. Citizens can return unnecessary…

TALPA - RPF, s.r.o.

Earthworks: -trenchless pipelaying - engineering communications and service pipelines -passages under the roads, railways, rivers/ water streams, earth controlled trenchless pipelaying -controlled horizontal drilling -moling. Ecology: -decontamination - old environmental burdens -waste management -geological, hydrogeological/ ground water survey -soil and water decontamination. …

Zempra MB s. r. o. - Výkopové a zemní práce Mladá Boleslav

We provide continuous excavation work, earthworks, utilities, waste disposal - Mlada Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradiste, Bela pod Bezdezem. Container trucking. Freight transport, sale: Aggregates, sand, gravel. Recycling:    - rubble Construction and realization:    - utilities, preparatory work for buildings Demolition:    - demolition work    - Special demolition hammer …

STAVSERVIS Slušovice s.r.o. - Pronájem stavební techniky, lešení Zlín

Společnost STAVSERVIS Slušovice s.r.o. poskytuje komplexní služby v oblasti monolitických konstrukcí. Zákazníkům z okolí Zlína a Vsetína zajišťuje pronájem stavební techniky, strojů, bednění a lešení včetně montáže. Díky dlouholetým zkušenostem a širokému sortimentu moderní techniky jsme schopni pokrýt potřeby soukromých osob, malých i středních stavebních firem. Provádíme bagrování, terénní…

Hamburger Recycling CZ s.r.o. - Provozovna Sběrné suroviny

The company Stavosur, spol. s r.o. Hustopeče u Brna has been offering services in waste management since 2000. Trucking, collection, collection yard, collection raw materials, secondary raw materials purchase and sorting of secondary raw materials, waste, iron -scrap, metal scrap, metal waste, iron, iron scrap, non-ferrous metals, car batteries, paper, plastics, PE foils, glass, tires, lamps…

Personal Transport Prague s.r.o. - Osobní autodoprava Praha

International and domestic professional passenger transport minibuses throughout Europe. It provides comprehensive services for short and long distance passenger transport. Our other services include:  - occasional passenger services  - transport of persons for companies, groups  - transfers  - sightseeing tours also in Europe  - transport to family trips, weddings, cultural events,…

Nature, s.r.o. - Sběr, svoz, likvidace odpadů Prostějov

The company Nature, s.r.o. deals with waste management. Provides comprehensive services in waste management, including hazardous waste disposal. We also focus on container transport not only in Prostějov, but also in Olomouc. Our services: - collection, recovery and disposal of industrial, municipal, trade, bulky and hazardous waste - container transport - waste management - delivery…

Peroutka DopStav Ostrava s.r.o. - Stavební práce

Our company Peroutka DopStav Ostrava s.r.o. deals with the implementation of constructions, their changes and removal, operation of road transport, as well as masonry and other craft activities. We rely on the quality of the work we do, always made to the satisfaction of our customers. We are a stable and promising company that can also implement larger orders. Our activity: - family houses…

SEŽEV-REKO, a.s. - Výstavba a rekonstrukce železnic Brno

The supplier SEŽEV-REKO, a.s. is engaged in production and reconstruction of railways and roads. Our services in the following areas: - site facilities - construction and reconstruction of tramway and railway superstructure and sub-bases - earthwork - remediation, drainage - complete work on rail bed and sleeper bed - construction of tracks and switches, level crossings, crossings, ramps…

Luděk Rusina - Přeprava aut

Luděk Rusina specializes in professional transport of new and used cars throughout the Czech Republic and the EU. Thanks to modern technology we are able to transport up to ten cars at a time. We provide import cars from Germany to order. We also operate a towing service. We are located at Příborská 13, Frýdek - Místek. Services: - transport, transport of cars within the Czech Republic and…