Freight transport

Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

ZDEMAR CZECH s.r.o. - autodoprava

Company ZDEMAR Ústí nad Labem s.r.o. provides a wide range of services within its activities. We are engaged in the transport of bulk materials, pallet goods, liquid materials and we also have a license to export ADR goods and waste. We also produce wood briquettes RUF and firewood. We offer storage space in our LogisticPark ZDEMAR in Chabařovice and many other services. You can find us at…

Ekoselect a.s.

Ekoselect a.s. je společnost, která se zabývá separovaným sběrem a recyklací odpadu. Cílem firmy je chránit životní prostředí a snižovat dopad odpadů na přírodu. Nabízí širokou škálu služeb pro soukromé i firemní zákazníky, jako jsou návrh systému sběru odpadů, zajištění svozu a zpracování odpadu, vedení odpadového hospodářství, pronájem kontejnerů a podpora ekologických projektů. …

Autodoprava Trojan

Společnost Autodoprava Trojan je vaším spolehlivým partnerem v oblasti kontejnerové přepravy a jeřábových prací. S mnoha lety zkušeností na trhu poskytujeme širokou škálu služeb, od pronájmu kontejnerů až po komplexní zemní práce. Kontejnerová přeprava a pronájem kontejnerů: Nabízíme pronájem kontejnerů o objemu 10m3 a 15m3, které jsou ideální pro odvoz různých druhů odpadů, včetně suti,…

Petr Kamenický

Firma Petr Kamenický se sídlem v Jirkově v okrese Chomutov se zabývá poskytováním dopravních služeb do 3, 5 tun. Specializuje se především na přepravu nábytku, zboží a materiál z obchodů a firem k zákazníkovi. Současně nabízí také kompletní služby stěhování bytů, domů i kanceláří, včetně vyklízení (bytů, kanceláří, půdy) a balení nábytku před stěhováním. Poskytuje také likvidace…

Autodoprava & Spedice Kříž

The company Autodoprava & Spedice Kříž provides domestic and international truck transport. We offer road transport from 100 kg to 25 tons and we will provide transport throughout the Czech Republic and the EU. For transportation, we use both our own vehicles and verified contractual partners. We provide express car transport and supply both warehouses and your stores both in the Czech…

TurboDevils s.r.o.

Hledáte spolehlivou a profesionální firmu, která se zabývá vnitrostátní nákladní autodopravou, odtahovou službou, půjčováním dodávek, ekologickou likvidací automobilů a autovraků a údržbou komunikací? Pak je pro vás správnou volbou TurboDevils s.r.o. se sídlem v Proboštově. TurboDevils s.r.o. je firma s dlouholetou tradicí a zkušenostmi v oblasti dopravy a aut. Nabízí širokou škálu služeb pro…

CANNONEER group s.r.o.

CANNONEER group s.r.o. is focused on purchase, processing, treatment and sale of scrap metal. Our other activities include dismantling, demolition of buildings, recycling of rubble, heavy transport and disposal of transformers. You can find our center in Horní Jiřetín. Purchase, purchase, processing, resale:  - scrap metal  - scrap metal, scrap   - iron, aluminum, copper, stainless steel  …

Autodoprava František Vlček

František Vlček Company offers reliable services in the field of domestic and international trucking. We specialize in the transport of agricultural, construction and forestry equipment and we also provide transport of excessive loads. We are based in Řehlovice - Brozánky, Ústí nad Labem district. Our services:  - carriage of excess loads  - transport of agricultural equipment (harvesters,…

Cinex, s.r.o.

We are a modern transport company engaged in international road haulage throughout the European Union. Our work is the planning and implementation of goods transport with our own semi-trailers, including heavy and oversized loads. We do not focus only on the actual transport of goods, but also on advice on legislation and conditions of road transport, on the preparation of cargo before…

JERP s.r.o.

Company JERP s.r.o. provides its customers with comprehensive services in the field of road transport. Our services include international transport, logistics, freight transport up to 3, 5 tons and truck rental. We are based in Děčín at Březiny 199. Transport, road transport, transportation: - road haulage - freight transport to 3.5 tons - international, foreign - logistics - owns…

Lukáš Kořínek 2ktransport s.r.o.

Transport company Lukáš Kořínek 2ktransport s.r.o. provides international trucking throughout Europe. We have the latest technology and we have sufficient storage space for storing goods. We also sell and transport firewood. Transport services: - logistics - forwarding - international and domestic trucking - storage. Production, sale, transport: - firewood - wooden briquettes…

Radim Lukáš - Lukrastav - lešenářské práce

Our company Lukrastav, based in the district of Louny, has been offering its services to you since 2005. We mainly deal with the implementation of complete scaffolding services in the field of industry and construction. We offer for rent, lease and sale of tubular, frame and mobile scaffolding, including its installation. We also provide complete construction and earthworks, install sewers and…

Václav Lodl

Our company Václav Lodl based in the Most district offers its customers comprehensive road motor transport services. We deal with international and domestic transport, which we operate with vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes and also with a weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes. We will also arrange the transport of people up to a maximum…

S - STAV s.r.o.

The company S - STAV s.r.o. based in Teplice, deals with complex construction works. We offer not only turnkey construction of residential buildings, according to customer requirements, but also complex reconstruction of commercial buildings, halls, apartment buildings and other buildings. We also participate in the renovation of historic facades and buildings with respect to their past and…

Roman Kühnel

The company Roman Kühnel deals with road transport, earthworks, demolitions and the sale of aggregates and sand in the Ústí Region. Road transport: Transportation of bulk materials (sand, soil, aggregate, concrete mixtures), packaging materials, agricultural commodities. Earthworks: Excavation of house foundations, mining work, landscaping, clearing of arable land, surface preparation and…

Petr Jung

The Petr Jung company is mainly engaged in the implementation of earthworks, demolition and excavation works using technology. We also offer container transport and export services and ecological waste disposal. We operate mainly in the Louny district. Our services: - earthworks, demolition and excavation work (water supply and sewerage connections, excavations of house foundations, pits,…

Union Tranzit - s.r.o.

The company UNION TRANZIT s.r.o. offers professional and quality services in the field of international road transport and forwarding activities throughout the EU, especially Germany, Austria, Italy, but also France, England, Denmark, the Netherlands, ... It focuses on cooperation with both end clients and transport and forwarding companies.


We offer services in the field of domestic and international car transport, removals, real estate clearance, ecological disposal, car cleaning, upholstery and carpets. You can use our services throughout the Czech Republic, but we operate mostly in the cities of Most, Žatec, Chomutov, Louny, Kadaň, Litvínov, Teplice. Do not hesitate and use our quality services, which we implement to the…

Petr Bureš

We provide transportation of goods with our vehicles, including refrigerated trucks throughout the Czech Republic, Slovakia and throughout Europe. We provide regular delivery and transportation of refrigerated and frozen goods. Transport capacity: - 0-120 cubic meters - 0 - 24 tons. All refrigerated trucks that we use for transport comply with the relevant EU standards and hygiene…