Freight transport

Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

JENDREK s.r.o.

Firma JENDREK s.r.o. se specializuje na několik klíčových činností jako je těžba dřeva, doprava materiálů, zemní práce a vyvážení a likvidace odpadních vod a odpadů. Firma působí na trhu od roku 2009. Sídlo společnosti je v Poběžovicích u Domažlic, ale zakázky pravidelně realizují i na jiných místech v České republice. Zde je přehled hlavních činností: - Těžba dřeva: JENDREK s.r.o. se…


KOVOVÝROBA HONZÍK, s.r.o. focuses on sheet metal stamping, folding and cutting, welding and scoring, wire program production and metalwork. Since 2010, it operates a fully automatic powder paint shop. We are based in Bezdružice, ČSA 200 street. Metal production, production, work: - sheet metal cutting - pressing - folding - welding, welding (MIG / MAG, TIG methods) - Scoring of sheets and…

Dušan Machovič - kontejnery, doprava, odpady

Firma Dušan Machovič se specializuje na komplexní služby v oblasti odpadového hospodářství. Hlavními pilíři její činnosti jsou pronájem kontejnerů, odvoz a likvidace odpadů, doprava a prodej stavebních materiálů, a to vše s důrazem na spolehlivost a flexibilitu. Pronájem kontejnerů: Firma nabízí kontejnery o objemech od 3 do 12 m3, které jsou ideální pro odvoz odpadu, sutě a dalších materiálů…

Kontejnerová doprava Jílek

Firma Jan Jílek se sídlem v okrese Plzeň - sever se zabývá komplexní přepravou sypkých hmot. Současně nabízí také přepravu menší stavební a zemědělské techniky do 7, 5 t nosnosti. Zajišťuje také přistavení kontejnerů a kontejnerovou dopravu. Služby: - přeprava štěrku, písku, betonu, dřeva, uhlí, sutě - přeprava menší stavební a zemědělské techniky do 7, 5 t nosnosti - přistavení…

Kamitrans Plzeň, s.r.o.

The company Kamitrans Plzeň, s.r.o. offers its customers proven transport services with SCANIA and VOLVO cars. Truck transport specializes in tank transport, transport with tipping semi-trailers and transport with tarpaulin and box semi-trailers. Our fully equipped SCANIA and VOLVO trucks can handle the transport of milk, the transport of large and small goods, the transport of parcels to…

Stavby Šafanda, s.r.o.

Company Stavby Šafanda, s.r.o. has many years of experience in construction, earthworks and road transport. Our services include industrial construction, demolition, earthworks, utilities, foundation engineering and also trucking. You can find us in the village Chanovice, district Klatovy. Construction activity, work, construction: - demolition - earthwork - foundations, foundations -…

Ladislav Touš

The company Ladislav Touš deals with excavation and earthworks, import and export of soil, sand or gravel, agricultural commodities and feed. It also delivers various building materials in various districts of the Pilsen region. It also includes demolition work on smaller buildings, road repairs and felling of trees and bushes. It is open from Monday to Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. …

Plzeňský TEN EXPRES s.r.o.

The company Plzeňský TEN EXPRES s.r.o. has been operating since 1997. in the field of international and domestic freight transport. We also add forwarding and warehousing services to the transport itself, so we are able to ensure efficient and fast delivery of your goods. We provide daily logistics of international and domestic transport and storage of various assortments in our own warehouses.…

Jan Hajžman - zemní, výkopové práce

The Jan Hajžman company performs all earthworks and excavation work. We carry out preparatory work for construction, laying interlocking paving or drainage. We also offer trucking. We are based in Nýřany, Plzeň - north district. Our activity: - earthmoving machine - excavation work - dredging - preparatory work for constructions - laying interlocking paving - laying of drainage -…

Pajer Jiří

Our company based in Sušice in the Klatovy district deals with complete earthworks and excavations. At the same time, we also offer road transport services. Our activity: - complete earthworks and excavations - base plates - renovation of buildings - cisterns, septic tanks, reservoirs - swimming pools - disposal and removal of rubble and waste - road transport. You can…

Jiří Dokoupil

Provoz taxislužby, přeprava osob vnitrostátní i mezinárodní MPV-7míst.Odvoz vozu-drink servis, pronájem řidiče B+E.Přeprava expresních zásilek do 700kg možnost tažení přívěsu 2t.Nákladní vnitrostátní i mezinárodní doprava do 3, 5t. Pronájem řidiče C.

Josef Šebek

International and domestic road transport with an Iveco-Dayli car, with a total load capacity of 3.5 t. I have 23 years of experience as a professional driver, without accidents or traffic violations. I go practically anywhere.

Vladimír Švarc

The construction company Vladimír Švarc offers the construction of family houses on a turnkey basis. We will provide you with a complete service, from the project to earthworks and the construction of the foundations, connecting the building to utility networks to the construction itself. We will also ensure the improvement of the surroundings of your house, we also build swimming pools, garages,…

Jiří Adam

We offer comprehensive earthworks, excavation work and also demolition work, including clearing. We also import and export bulk materials and construction debris. We provide landscaping, excavation of swimming pools and utilities. We operate in Pilsen, especially Pilsen-North, and after an agreement we can go further.

L&T-Services s.r.o.

Road transport: - full truck transport of parcels throughout Europe from 1 kg to 24 tons -container transport of ISO containers 2x20ft, 1x30ft, 1x40ft, 1x45ft, 1x13, 6m - High cube containers, semi-trailers of the company D-TEC -courier and express transport. Rail transport: - transportation of shipments in wagons and containers through partner organizations. Sea and air…

Stavitelství Kamínek s.r.o.

Stavitelství Kamínek s.r.o. is a reliable supplier in the field of construction and reconstruction of utilities, roads and water management structures. Our other activities include earthwork, demolition, transport of loose materials and carpentry and metalwork. We are based in the village of Líšťany, district Plzeň - sever. Construction company, civil engineering, construction, reconstruction:…

Jiří Žabka - LEVEL s.r.o.

Transport company Jiří Žabka - LEVEL s.r.o. is focused on parcel and truck service for private and corporate purposes between the Czech Republic and Italy, including Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica. We are able to transport not only the smallest shipments but also large shipments. Everything is aimed at constantly improving ourselves and keeping the customer satisfied. A total of 100 company…