Transport, Transportation

Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

Miloslav Marek - Emko

Vedení: - jednoduché účetnictví na PC. Pěstování a sběr hub. Chov kožešinových zvířat. Chov zoologických zvířat. Chov laboratorních zvířat. Činnosti autoškol, leteckých a obdobných škol. Maloobchod v nespecializovaných prodejnách. Silniční nákladní doprava.

Miroslav Banýr

Zemní práce. Výkopové práce, terénní úpravy, skrývky zeminy. Práce bouracím kladivem (rozrušování betonů, asfaltu a jiných stavebních konstrukcí). Doprava a přeprava materiálu. Nakládání materiálu. Úklid sněhu. Čištění vozovek a zametání ploch.

Stavební společnost s.r.o. Hostinné

Building company: - complex construction activityI in building construction - general supplies of industrial, civil and residential buildings - design and engineering work - warming of buildings with the Canadian CLIMATIZER PLUS technology. Locksmith steel constructions of all types and sizes, such as hall frames, staircases, railings, and skylights Cutting and drilling with diamond…

Dopravní podnik měst Liberce a Jablonce nad Nisou, a.s.

Urban public transport Liberec News link - Info Centre: -All information about urban public transport service and Prague-Liberec intercity line can be obtained in the information centre, located in the public transport terminal in Fügnerova street. -Possibility of buying tickets for public transport and for Liberec-Prague line (operated by DPMLJ…

Cestovní agentura DPMLJ a.s.

Travel agency. We organize: -day trips for the public -day trips for groups (kindergartens, primary schools, seniors clubs etc.) We sell: -foreign tours -thematic tours (with diving, with exercising, for culture) -ski trips -diving courses and taste of diving -balloon flying (Liberec, Cesky Raj and further by an arrangement) -air tickets to the whole world -transport services

Alphacor v.o.s.

- Truck transport -Earthworks - Repairs and maintenance of roads -Rental of platform MP 13 -Construction activity -Care for greenery -Sale of material Truck transport - Tatra 815 4x4 (three-sided tractor - 9 t) - Multicar ( three-sided tipper - 2 t ) - Dacia 1307 4WD (flatbed, pickup 5 seats + 1 t) - Tractor ( tipping flatbed 5 t, 8 t, single-axle tipping trailer 3 t ) …