Transport, Transportation

Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

Jan Rambousek

Clearing objects Removal of old furniture and waste. Production, transport and assembly of new furniture, kitchens, kitchen units and built-in wardrobes. Editing and implementation of gardens - grass cutting, verticulation and complete lawn care. Pruning and felling of old trees. Establishment of ponds. Adjustments or complete reconstruction of the interior, core of the apartment -…


-výstavba rodinných domů na klíč -zateplování budov -rekonstrukce bytů a bytových jader -dlažby, obklady, sádrokartony -pronájem lešení -autodoprava -zemní práce -půjčovna stavebních strojů -kontejnerová přeprava

Václav Vostoupal

Taxi service. Road motor transport - freight operated by vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods, - passenger cars operated for the transport of a maximum of 9 persons, including the driver. TAXI as you don't know it, for companies in addition as part of a substitute performance.…