Sports goods

Want to try a new sport? Get your necessary sports equipment such as bats, rackets, bicycles, in-line skates, protectors, helmets, helmet, poles, skis, balls, baskets, hockey sticks and other equipment. Simply choose the sport and buy the needs from the suppliers.


Výrobce sportovních potřeb a dresů pro fotbal, florbal, hokej, hokejbal, baseball, softball. Vyrábíme sportovní, hokejové, fotbalové a rozlišovací dresy, trenky, štulpny, minidresy, hokejbalové kalhoty, florbalové brankářské vybavení: kalhoty, dresy, vesty, chrániče kolen. Potisk dresů. V e-shopu také nabízíme zn. Salming, Exel, Canadien - florbalky, masky, rukavice, míčky, čepele, omotávky,…

Petr Vlach, Ing. - VAPE

Production, wholesale, sales: - triangles for the wheel frame - double panniers and triple panniers for the bike carrier - handlebar bags - bike maps - kidneys - saddlebags - hanging bags for the carrier - leg warmers - slip on, with zipper - for skis and snowboards - packaging, bags - mobile phone cases