Sports goods

Want to try a new sport? Get your necessary sports equipment such as bats, rackets, bicycles, in-line skates, protectors, helmets, helmet, poles, skis, balls, baskets, hockey sticks and other equipment. Simply choose the sport and buy the needs from the suppliers.


GM SPORT Olomouc CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING - SKIING - SNOWBOARDS - sale - bazaar - service. Ski equipment rental - rental of ski sets from 590 CZK (skis, boots, poles, helmet). Sale - advantageous new cross-country sets (cross-country skis, bindings, shoes, sticks) from CZK 1,990. We offer new and used skis, snowboards, cross-country skis from Sporten, Skol, Blizard and others. Sales of clothing and…

HÝBL Miroslav

Prášková lakovna, práškové lakování: -rámy jízdních kol a příslušenství -židle, stoly -autodíly -moto veterány. Zakázková výroba: -drátěný program. CYKLO prodej a servis: -Uničov, Šternberská 497, tel.:585051299 -jízdní kola.