Playing field and sports ground equipment

Every professional and recreational playgrounds or other sports facilities should dispose of the football goals, nets, střídačkami, lajnovačkami, lime and colors, the time keeper, the panes on the alternation of even the corner flags. The rate of equipment depends on the operating sport.

Vzduchotechnika spol. s r.o.

Výroba, kovovýroba, montáž, servis: - vybavení hřišť - nosným programem společnosti je výroba scate - boardových U-ramp a jejich příslušenství - skateboardové dráhy, rampy, Spine ramp, Jump ramp, Fun Box, Piramida, Wall Ramp. Řemeslnické práce: - zámečnické.

Technické služby Opava s.r.o.

Public lighting: - phone: 553759118, Mr. Baron Jaromír - emergency service: - phone: 606710419 - laying out the cable route - commissioning of unlit lamps - repair of discharge lamps in municipalities and businesses - assembly of advertising boards. Maintenance: - phone: 553759116, Mr. Hrdina Vladimír - production of artificial waste bins and vases for mobile greenery stone…

Silesia WM s.r.o.

Company Silesia WM s.r.o. supplies complete equipment of ice rinks, especially snow grooming equipment. In addition to ice machines, we offer QUICK ICE mobile skating rinks, RAITA cushions, ice grinders, ice covers, timekeeping, light screens and other accessories that are needed in winter arenas. We provide warranty and post-warranty service for all products. Delivery, sale, service:  -…


Production, delivery, supply, assembly, overhaul, service, repairing, consulting: - sporting equipment - sporting equipment for gymnasiums - sporting needs for basketball, volleyball, tennis, handball, floor-ball - bodybuilding equipment - squash courts - artificial surfaces of sporting grounds and recreation rooms - delivery, installation of protective nets and …