Information services, call centres

Are you looking for a pharmacy, tire service or the manufacturer of honey? Information services will facilitate your path for a specific company, because they gather information about all available companies. Call centers, on the contrary they work as a di


Provozujeme široké spektrum aktivit: -dětské oddíly a kluby pro mládež -sportovní, ekologické a turistické oddíly -kluby maminek, senior kluby -zájmové umělecké činnosti -poskytujeme informační služby -dětské tábory -tábory pro rodiče s dětmi. Informační centrum, Ve Vaňkovce 1, 602 00 Brno Tel., fax: +420 530 500 432 E-mail: [email protected] po-pá 9-17

SEVEn, středisko pro efektivní využívání energie, o.p.s.

Regionální pobočka společnosti SEVEn,o.p.s.. Středisko pro efektivní využívání energie: - úspory energie, energetické služby a energetický management - energetické zásobování, obnovitelné zdroje energie - programy snižování emisí, prevence změny klimatu - energetické koncepce, audity a studie proveditelnosti - financování projektů v oblasti energetiky - nízkoenergetická…

Kompletní katalog firem, služeb a řemesel na adrese je novým portálem ručně tříděných odkazů na firmy, služby a živnostníky z celé ČR tak, aby byli snadno nalezitelní pro každého z nás. Firmy, zápisy, jsou administrátory ručně upraveny, jsme pyšní na naši rychlou reakci. Zdarma můžete aktualizovat své údaje, kdykoliv, přidávat fotky, doplnit nové kontakty. Výhodou je…

Evropská databanka s.r.o. - databáze českých a slovenských firem

Marketing agency European Databank JSC. (EDB) provides information about Czech companies in the Czech Republic and abroad and presents companies on the Internet. Besides company registrations in our own catalogue, we also provide data about companies, we are engaged in creation of websites, services in the field of editorial marketing, SEO, banner and PPC advertising and other forms of (not only)…

Evropská databanka s.r.o.

European Databank: - the company with a comprehensive offer of presentation and information services for subjects of business and the public as well. Four pillars of presentation and marketing services of the European Databank: The 1st Pillar - Telephone services - Call 14 000 - Provision of information about companies, services, products through telephone service of the "Call 14000" call…

Evropská databanka s.r.o. - oddělení zahraničních služeb

European Databank: - the company with a comprehensive offer of presentation and information services for subjects of business and the public as well. Four pillars of presentation and marketing services of the European Databank: The 1st Pillar - Telephone services - Call 14 000 - Provision of information about companies, services, products through telephone service of the "Call 14000" call…

Evropská databanka s.r.o.

European Databank: - the company with a comprehensive offer of presentation and information services for subjects of business and the public as well. Four pillars of presentation and marketing services of the European Databank: The 1st Pillar - Telephone services - Call 14 000 - Provision of information about companies, services, products through telephone service of the "Call 14000" call…

Evropská databanka s.r.o.

European Databank: - the company with a comprehensive offer of presentation and information services for subjects of business and the public as well. Four pillars of presentation and marketing services of the European Databank: The 1st Pillar - Telephone services - Call 14 000 - Provision of information about companies, services, products through telephone service of the "Call 14000" call centre…

Evropská databanka s.r.o.

European Databank: - the company with a comprehensive offer of presentation and information services for subjects of business and the public as well. Four pillars of presentation and marketing services of the European Databank: The 1st Pillar - Telephone services - Call 14 000 - Provision of information about companies, services, products through telephone service of the "Call 14000" call…

Evropská databanka s.r.o. - Oddělení zákaznického servisu

European Databank: - the company with a comprehensive offer of presentation and information services for subjects of business and the public as well. Four pillars of presentation and marketing services of the European Databank: The 1st Pillar - Telephone services - Call 14 000 - Provision of information about companies, services, products through telephone service of the "Call 14000" call…

Evropská databanka s.r.o.

European Databank: - the company with a comprehensive offer of presentation and information services for subjects of business and the public as well. Four pillars of presentation and marketing services of the European Databank: The 1st Pillar - Telephone services - Call 14 000 - Provision of information about companies, services, products through telephone service of the "Call 14000" call…

Evropská databanka s.r.o.

European Databank: - the company with a comprehensive offer of presentation and information services for subjects of business and the public as well. Four pillars of presentation and marketing services of the European Databank: The 1st Pillar - Telephone services - Call 14 000 - Provision of information about companies, services, products through telephone service of the "Call 14000" call…

CIT.CZ, spol.s r.o.

Profesionální hlasové systémy. Prudukty: - hlasová pošta - automatická spojovatelka - informační centrum - faxserver - monitoring - čekací pole - visual kirke - sms server - systém včasného vyrozumění - SMS server - systém včasného vyrozumění