Information services, call centres

Are you looking for a pharmacy, tire service or the manufacturer of honey? Information services will facilitate your path for a specific company, because they gather information about all available companies. Call centers, on the contrary they work as a di

Cargo Core - Evropská burza nákladů

CargoCore je evropská dopravní burza pro speditéry a dopravce, která umožňuje rychlé a snadné vyhledávání v nákladní dopravě. Ať už hledáte prázdný vůz nebo volný náklad k přepravě, CargoCore Vám poskytne efektivní a ekonomické řešení. Outsourcing přepravních kapacit. Vyzkoušejte zdarma po dobu 30 dní bez jakýchkoliv závazků. Další výrazy: burza nákladů spediční databanka vytěžování…

Jan Boháč

Services: - business mediation - by contacting a potential customer design activities and financial advice in production processes We have: - own call center with the possibility of renting for commercial purposes - modern technical units in the field of telecommunications, IT and information systems to be distributed we participate - for projection we use open source…

Registr škol s.r.o.

The school register is an online database, register and list of schools in the Czech Republic. Our overview of schools will find suitable nurseries, kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, universities, higher vocational and language schools. The Register of Schools and School Facilities issues regional overviews of schools. Useful links such as matriculation, language courses and more…


1WAY COMPANY s.r.o. is a dynamic company that helps start-up or stagnant companies acquire end customers through direct sales and telemarketing. Keywords: advertising, marketing, trade, sales, sales representative, sales department consultant, promotion department assistant, advertising, marketing company.

Institut regionálních informací, s.r.o.

Spatial Planning: - preparation of territorial plans, territorial studies, principles of territorial development and territorial analytical documents. Presentation of maps by own map server, processing of Internet applications. KISEB: - The Comprehensive Housing Economics Information System (KISEB) is an open and dynamic information system on housing prices, serving public administration,…