Raw materials, energetics and semifinished products

Energy takes care of the production and distribution of energy, such as gas, electricity and water. Depends on the sale of various raw materials, which may be natural or secondary. Use and sale of semi-finished products for the chemical, construction or engineering industry.

FILKO Střechy - Zdeněk Filipský

Production: - FILKO HOLLAND type concrete roofing with acrylic spray in matt, lacquer or superpain - edge bags, ventilation, anti-snow, translucent, common ridges, end bags - building timber from own sawmill - all plumbing elements. Wholesale, retail, sale: - roofing and all accessories for a mortarless roof solution - plumbing material according to customer requirements, plumbing…

I&C Energo a.s.

Industrial automation - regulatory, security, information systems Electrical systems - high-current, low-current equipment: - energy constructions, substations Supplies related to the technical operation of buildings: -optical data transmissions - electronic fire alarms - CCTV - attendance systems

KOOPERACE Hrotovice a.s.

We offer the production of compound feeds for livestock and poultry, directly to measure - according to your requirements and assignments. We specialize in compound feeds for: -pig -Scot -poultry -Rabbits. Our other important production also includes alfalfa worms - fodder worms. Category according to feed material: - alfalfa granules - alfalfa-grass granules - oat granules -…

Slavoko s.r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sale: -metallic material -tools, tools -connection material, bearings, seals -anchoring technique -Nails. Breeding and training of sport horses Metalworking work: automatic lathes, CNC. centerless grinding, thread rolling, etc. Pub near Slavík.

Lesní družstvo obcí

Základní aktivitou Lesního družstva obcí jsou práce spojené s obhospodařováním svěřeného lesního majetku, zajištění výkonu odborného lesního hospodáře na privátních majetcích, výkup a doprava dřeva a zajištění komplexních služeb pro drobné vlastníky lesů v regionu. Doplňkovými aktivitami je zajišťování poplatkových lovů ve vlastních honitbách, prodej truhlířských potřeb, řeziva, plošného…

Karel Čálek - KOVOVÝROBA

Výroba: -lehké ocelové přístřešky rozpon 6 a 8 m -mostní přejezdové váhy do 30 t -kotle na asfalt pro stavebnictví -ozdobné oplocení pro rodinné domky a rekreační oblasti -přenosné ocelové garáže a sklady -kovové konstrukce na zakázku -pařáky na brambory.

ELASTA - VESTIL spol. s r.o.

Our company offers strong and flexible ribbons throughout the Czech Republic and the EU. If you need ribbons, you are at the right place. The company specializes in the production of flexible and rigid ribbons. The company's headquarters are located in the city of Krucemburk, in the Vysočina Region, but we operate throughout the Czech Republic, even in the EU. We offer elastic ribbons and…