Raw materials, energetics and semifinished products

Energy takes care of the production and distribution of energy, such as gas, electricity and water. Depends on the sale of various raw materials, which may be natural or secondary. Use and sale of semi-finished products for the chemical, construction or engineering industry.

Marcel Kollmann

Sale - polyethylene foils with self-adhesive joint - extruded polystyrene boards Sale - system of impact insulation and expansion strips - insulating building boards with surface treatment

Lubomír Vejrostek

Autodoprava - vnitrostátní - mezinárodní - do 3, 5t Prodej - stavební řezivo Provoz - piladřevařská výroba - sušení dřevavýroba - stavební řezivo Elektroinstalační práce Výroba a prodej - dřevěné briketyprodej - palivové dříví