Autodoprava: -silniční nákladní. Velkoobchod, prodej: -uhlí. Logistické centrum Libčeves.
Company LOGIT, s.r.o. is part of the Italian chemical concern RadiciGroup, Fibers division, and focuses on the production and processing of polyamide fibers for the production of carpets. You can find us in Podbořany, district Louny. Production, processing: - artificial textile fibers for the manufacture of carpets, cleaning mats: - polyamide carpet fibers (PA fibers) - polypropylene…
Building materials. Retail, sales: - building material - roof coverings - construction chemistry - plasterboard - metallurgical material - tools
Production: - plastic components.
Production - industrial seals - sealing cords - fabric compensators.
Wholesale: -paints, varnishes SAYERLACK -wood stains.
Agricultural production: - vegetable, - animal. Production of pellets.
Sale: - firewood. Services: - transportation of wood material, including logs, by tractor with a semi-trailer, - carriage of wood material.
Production and sale: -lumber, lumber Offer of beams, planks and wooden substrates for industry. Sale of firewood.
Velkoobchod, maloobchod: -silikonové tmely, PU-pěny, lepidla -barvy fasádní i tónované dle přání -barvy, laky, malířské potřeby, štětec, stěrka -barvy vodouředitelné, autolaky -lepidla na dlažbu a spárovací hmoty -šamot, sádra -tmel sklenářský, Kerastuk, Soudal -fermež, odrezovač, Zn-oxyd, petrolej, toluen -smirkové papíry, vruty -spreje Motip -lina, dlažby, obklady,…
Activity: - production of battery cell carriers
Production and sale: - surfactants and detergents - construction chemistry - plasticizers, superplasticizers.
Production: -production of plastic moldings using the plastic injection method, mainly for car manufacturers.
Sales, delivery: - metallurgical material.