Raw materials, energetics and semifinished products

Energy takes care of the production and distribution of energy, such as gas, electricity and water. Depends on the sale of various raw materials, which may be natural or secondary. Use and sale of semi-finished products for the chemical, construction or engineering industry.

Techem, spol.s.r.o. - Regulace tepla Most

Měření a rozúčtování spotřeby teply, vody a ostatních nákladů, které se rozúčtovávají mezi konečné spotřebitele: - vlastní projekční činnost v oblasti regulace topení a topných soustav - montáž regulační a měřicí techniky - odečítací služba - servisní činnost. Pronájem měřicí a regulační techniky. Energetické kontrakty: - výstavba nových a rekonstrukce stávajících zdrojů -…

Tarmac CZ a.s. - Ředitelství oblasti Západ

The West region operates 3 sand pits and 8 quarries mainly in the Ústí region and part of the Karlovy Vary region. The management and administration of the area is located partly in the Libochovany quarry and partly in the Úhošťany quarry. The main activity in the establishments is the extraction of natural stone and gravel, including the subsequent smoothing of the mining activity after the…

Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu, a.s. - Spolchemie

Production and sale: - synthetic resins: - basic and modified low, medium and high molecular epoxy resins - alkyd resins - rosin varnishing resins - water soluble resins. Final compositions of resins for use in building industry, electrical engineering and consumer-goods industry. Basic inorganic compounds: - sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) and potassium hydroxide -…

Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace

North-Bohemian water supply and sewerage systems operate public water and sewerage networks in the Ústí nad Labem, Liberec and Central Bohemia regions. Comprehensive service in the production and supply of drinking water and sewerage and wastewater treatment. Services:  - waste water treatment plant - waste water treatment plant.  - drinking water treatment and drinking water supply  -…

Stavebniny Libochovice - KB-blok

Keramicky a betonovy blok. (Ceramic and concrete block) Sale, wholesale, retail trade: -building materials, construction materials -brand store of products KB-blok, all for producer's prices, roof covering 10% cheaper than at producer's place -Knauf - construction plasterboards -Ytong - construction material, moulded bricks -Bachl - insulating materials -Düfa - paints, coating…

Stavebniny Černý, s.r.o.

Stavebniny Cerny, s.r.o. offers wholesale and retail sale of all building materials. We supply a wide range of building materials, for example, you can buy bricks, concrete products, wall and floor tiles, insulation materials, lumber, building fillings, paints, tools and much more. Our stores can be found in the following locations: Teplice, Bílina, Duchcov, Litvínov, Krupka and we also run an…