Raw materials, energetics and semifinished products

Energy takes care of the production and distribution of energy, such as gas, electricity and water. Depends on the sale of various raw materials, which may be natural or secondary. Use and sale of semi-finished products for the chemical, construction or engineering industry.

Luboš Olišar

Sestavení - solární elektrárnyprojekt - ZELENÁ ÚSPORÁM Montáž - kolektorové systémy pro ohřev vody i vytápěníprojekt - ZELENÁ ÚSPORÁM Izolace proti vodě a radonu - zatepleníprojekt - ZELENÁ ÚSPORÁM Stavby - domy na klíč - zemědělské objektyrekonstrukce - budovyprojekt - ZELENÁ ÚSPORÁM Zámečnické práce - kovovýroba

Marie Beranová

Delivery and sales - sorted and unsorted sand - stone, aggregates and ornamental stones for gardens - crushing of excavation material - extraction of sorted and unsorted sand, aggregates and ornamental stones for gardens Delivery - ornamental strains for gardens

Uhlí Němcová

The main content of our company is the sale of solid fuels. We specialize in the sale of Ledvice low-sulphur coal produced by Severočeské doly a.s. and then sales, briquettes, coke, wood, sand and grit. In our company, the coal is covered with tarps. It is weighed in covered trucks to prevent quality degradation due to weather effects and mechanical damage when unloading from wagons. Our…

Martin Červencl

Prodej - hutní materiál Prodej - zednické nářadí Výroba - třmínky Prodej - spojovací materiál (hřebíky, vruty, matice, ...) Prodej - vodoinstalační materiál (baterie, hadice, rozvody, ...)

Miloslav Cafourek

Sales of calling machines and devices of the company OVIT Milan. MAXMA PRINTING printing plates. Consulting activity: - printing industry. Sales, service: - MAXMA PRINTING thermal printing plates ULTRA EP, ARTYONG, GALLANT -relevant chemistry (developer, washing chemistry, preservers etc.)