Společnost Dodee s.r.o. zajišťuje výrobu plastových komponentů, a pomůcky pro podporu prodeje
Společnost CAMELOT Němčice s.r.o. je výhradní prodejce dřevních pelet.
Michal Kopečný se zaměřuje na dodávku a montáž zvonů včetně elektrických pohonů a na renovace zvonové stolice.
W.A.N. Solution s.r.o. se zaměřuje na audit dodavatelů zemního plynu a elektřiny a na optimalizaci distribučních sazeb.
Max veneer s.r.o. specializes in formatting, cutting and grinding of veneer, surface pressing, CNC processing and production of semi-finished products.
A diverse assortment of dry goods can be found in the shop of Mr. Drahomíra Navrátil. With us you can buy cosmetics, paints, varnishes, cleaning and cleaning products or detergents, hair and body cosmetics such as perfumes and deodorants. We are located at Dolní brána 386, Němčice nad Hanou. Retail, sale: - drugstore - pharmacy product - cleaning and cleaning products - cosmetics -…
Woodworking. Production: - pallets. Sale: - joinery lumber - chipboards, plywood boards, OSB boards - building materials.
Prodej: - dřevěné brikety, pelety, štípané dřevo, palety.
Energy consulting Electronic auctions Tenders for energy suppliers
All earthworks and excavations, demolition. Removal and storage of rubble, soil, concrete, landscaping, trucking. Freight and container transport, large-volume transfers of soil, aggregates and others. Sale of sand, gravel. Machine laying of curbs.
Zastoupení slovinských firem: - ACRONI - METAL - INEXA - ELEKTRODE. Metalurgie: - hutnictví - barevné kovy - slévárenství a suroviny.
Energy consulting. Advice on buying at a discount.
EUROMONT OCEL s.r.o. je společnost, která se zabývá výrobou a montáží stavebních betonových výztuží. Tyto výztuže slouží k zvýšení pevnosti a odolnosti betonových konstrukcí, které jsou namáhány v tahu, ohybu nebo teplotními změnami. EUROMONT OCEL s.r.o. dodává výztuže z ocelových tyčí nebo sítí různých průměrů a délek, které jsou upravovány podle požadavků zákazníků. Společnost realizuje…
The company VALLATE energy s.r.o. based in Olomouc deals with the processing and sale of wood. Our production facility is located in Lomnica near Rýmařov. Our offer for both small and large customers includes soft and hard wood, which we further process. We offer - chipboard, OSB, MFP panels and MDF, structural prisms KVH, BSH, as well as logs and raw wood. Our offer: - dried firewood with…
PILA Petrov KN s.r.o. has a wide variety of activities. It produces and sells wood, firewood, buys and sells wood pulp, solid fuels and heating oils. He carries out carpentry and joinery work: doors, stairs, chairs, built-in wardrobes, kitchens, office furniture, garden houses, pergolas, sheds, garage spaces, windows, doors, fences, furniture, home accessories, chairs, built-in wardrobes,…
Internetový prodej polykarbonátu, makrolonu a lexanu. Výdejní mista: - Červená Lhota u Olomouce - Praha Malešice.
The company MS Technika Pro s.r.o. is engaged in the sale of technical gases such as oxygen or helium. We also fill or exchange CO2 bottles. You can also purchase reduction valves and talc bottles with technical gases from us. In Prostějov, you will find a delivery warehouse without permanent staff.
Saw - sale -briquettes -chipped wood -firewood - building timber
Sale: - roofing - sheet metal roofing - sheet metal roofs, roof - trapezoids - trapezoidal sheet metal - gutters - gutter systems - fence slats.
Internet sales of rope products. Wide selection of ropes, ropes, nets, ladders, cords, sacks, straps, twines. Household ropes, carabiners and hooks for sports and leisure.
Online store, e-shop, e-shop, sale: - natural building material - noble stone granite - granite products: - paving stones - chipped, cut - lining hooks - road verges - stair treads - cut paving - sidewalk curbs. Construction, construction, implementation: - walls, fence posts.
Metalworking. Production: - metal fences, fence fields. Tire service. Sales, repairs, replacement, replacement: - tires for cars and vans. Car service. Repairs, replacements: - oils and filters for cars and trucks - brakes, bearings, shock absorbers, exhausts. Car wash. Manual washing of vehicles. Road transport. Sales, installation, assembly: -oil stove. Sale: -…
Earthwork with an excavator - 5 tons on rubber tracks and a wheel loader of 4 tons Cutting grass with a machine, cleaning streams, repairing roads rubble storage, waste management transportation of containers 4 tons sale of gravel, sand, concrete gravel sand wood handling in stock hairdressing area in Javorník near the train station